Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - Back To The Podium!

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Time flies! Just completed the 125th brawl with my awesome guild, which is none other than Pizza 2 The Deep Dish!

    • Fun In The Discord Chats

    Really appreciated the interaction in the Discord chats within the Pizza guilds. During the preparation phase, there's a lot of information sharing and discussion on who to fill each fray. During the brawls, there were reminders to members to complete their brawl battles. And after the brawls, there were celebratory messages and some members (including me) would write about our experience in the brawls. Aside from brawls, I thought the donations were also very well organised and tabulated, with lucky draws to incentivise donors as well.

    • Moving to Silver Fray

    I have always been playing Bronze level frays, but there's where my cards are at. However, someone actually took my fray this time and in the spirit of teamwork (and a little helplessness), I decided to join Fray 9, which was a Silver level fray. I was expecting my Level 1 and Level 2 summoners to be in for a thrashing but things turned out totally opposite from what I expected.

    Had 3 battles this time and it was not an easy round, especially when they have recently introduced 3 rulesets for each battle. Moreover, I have rented out most of my cards because I was playing lesser these days.

    • We Got 3rd!!

    So for the final result, we were 3rd out of 10 guilds and got 700 Merits and around 16 SPS! Back to the podium! Let's go PIZZA!

    Individually, I had 3 fights this time and I managed to win 2 of them this time! Finished 6th within the guild! Due to change in format, wins are actually awarded to the players present in the fray if guilds decided to skip the fray. Hence there were 6 additional wins for me.

    Let's jump into the battles!

    Battle 1 - LOSE

    Gladius Card Used: None

    Another Quora Towershead, another loss. It just keeps happening. I felt that my lineup was very decent but apparently it's useless.

    MVP: None


    Battle 2 - WIN

    Gladius Card Used: Isgald Vorst

    What a performance from Coastal Sentry! Her high speed of 4 absorbed a lot of misses from my opponent's lineup. This wasn't an easy lineup to deal with but my team of Opportunity cards made it look easier than it looked.

    MVP: Coastal Sentry


    Battle 3 - WIN

    Gladius Card Used: Katrelba Gobson

    My opponent fell right into my little trap, as I have planted Katrelba Gobson within the lineup to dish out the big hits with Blast. This was well executed and with all the Bloodlust accumulated, she was unstoppable.

    MVP: Katrelba Gobson


    So that sums up my 3 battles for this brawl! A 67% win rate, once again, I won all my matches except the one against Quora Towershead.

    Review Of Gladius Cards

    No new Gladius cards to review this time round.

    Previous Gladius Card Reviews:

    • Isgard Vorst and Katrelba Gobson - HERE
    • Witch Of Warwick - HERE
    • Orella Abadon - HERE
    • Bertrol Gobson - HERE
    • Relenor Cleaver - HERE
    • Trapp Falloway - HERE
    • Ajax Lightfoot - HERE
    • Chimney Wallstop - HERE
    • Krash Wanderford - HERE
    • Gorth - HERE
    • Sarius - HERE
    • Whistling Damon and Edith Emberstar - HERE
    • Palidon Rakk - HERE
    • Sola Ranjell - HERE
    • Alfredo - HERE
    • Cutter Brieze - HERE
    • Kotriphus Bayne - HERE
    • Captain Katie - HERE
    • Liza Fox - HERE

    Brawl Reports Of Pizza 2 Guild And More!

    If you are interested to follow the guild brawls of the Pizza guilds, feel free to check out some of the brawl reports below!

    That's all I have! Let me know if you have any thoughts too!

    As always, thanks for reading and have a pleasant day ahead!

    If you are interested to sign up to play Splinterlands, my referral link is here.

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