Sketch of Dr House and an opinion about the series.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hi everyone! 😄

    I recently finished the famous Dr House series. This is an opportunity for me to look back and make a sketch of this quirky Dr House.

    So first, let me tell you what I thought of the series in a few words.

    ! [Hidden Spoiler Text] I really like the anti-hero side of the character, in fact this is a very popular feature in series such as Breaking Bad, which is also a series that I really loved.
    In general, I like films and shows that are "psychological", that can give us emotions through the psychological development of a character - or lack thereof; and this is the point of Dr House: most of the plot is based on the audience's desire to see House change. And at some point it can be really frustrating, because we want to tell him "stop acting weird!
    And that brings me to what I think is a negative point about the show. I'm not really a fan of political correctness, but this time I think it's a necessary criticism. I found most of the reactions of House's entourage to be out of touch and morally wrong; in the serie there was a lot of moral discussions about House by Cuddy or Wilson for example that seemed totally unrealistic unless they were extremely naive, justifying his actions or saying that they had a responsibility for House's actions; but he's not a child, he's a manipulative adult, which gives a rather strange moral message. Overall, he acts like a narcissistic pervert, and the show seems to give him the justification that "OK, he acts like an asshole, but he saves lives, that's the main thing".
    So, overall, my main criticism of the show will be the message it sends out. Besides, I think a series like this would be criticised today, in 10 years a lot of things have changed (although I don't agree with this aspect of our society).
    However, just as this criticism was growing in my head as the seasons went by, the last episode puts a big backhand on it, as if the writers were ironising this criticism.
    In fact, the last episode began in a very laughable way: House dies and everyone eulogises him, extolling his great qualities. The many unforgivable faults he had made seemed to have been erased, to show the audience only a watered-down and therefore fantasised version of what a narcissistic pervert can be. But then Wilson speaks up and throws a spanner in the works: let's stop this, everyone knows that House is an asshole.
    As well as finding it extremely funny, it seemed to me to be a necessary moral clarification.
    Just as, in Breaking Bad, it was morally necessary to give the character of Walter White a tragic ending - he played too much (and did bad things) and lost.
    And I thought it was great that Wilson was the one to make this moral correction, knowing that he's the one who's been far too lax and complacent with House all along. But he was the perfect antagonist for a cinematic, nasty anti-hero: someone who's far too nice.

    Now, get back to the drawing!


    I considered this portrait to be a sketch rather than a drawing, because I did it relatively quickly, in about an hour, whereas a realistic portrait would take me at least 5 hours to complete. Here I just wanted to make a study of a face and its values, using the Loomis method, i.e. starting from a sphere and dividing the face into measured sections.





    Have you ever seen Dr House ?

    I'm curious to hear from you about this series.

    See you soon for more creations! 😄

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