Here's Your Nickel Back

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I'm back for another Three Tune Tuesday with three songs from a rock band. Were you able to guess the band from the thumbnail? Yes, it's none other than Nickleback. Interestingly enough, I found out from online that the name of the band came from one of the band members that worked at Starbucks and he would say "here's your nickel back". Today, I chose three songs that I liked from Nickelback but it was hard to choose; they have a lot of good songs. They were definitely one of my favorite rock bands during my childhood along side Linkin Park. Just to give some background, Nickelback is from Canada and they were also one of the most successful rock bands in Canada. According to Wikipedia, they have sold over 50 million albums worlwide!


    #1. How You Remind Me - Nickelback

    This is not my favorite song by them but it is their most famous song. I remember this song being played on the radio when I was growing up. The song gives a take on relationships. I believe it's about the struggles of relationships. One of the lyrics says "are we having fun yet"; I feel it's a bit sarcastic because things didn't seem like it was going well. In the lyrics, he mentioned that he broke her heart and that he's made mistakes.


    #2. Photograph - Nickelback

    I feel photograph is one of their underrated songs. I believe the song is based on one of the band members life. They are looking back at photographs and reminiscing the memories that came with them. It's mentioned in the lyrics about the type of photos and the events that took place. I think it's really cool how they incorporated what happened in the photos of growing up into the songs. It could be also reflecting back at life of how the person got to where they are today.


    #3. Savin' Me - Nickelback

    Personally, this is my favorite song by Nickelback. It really goes deep as it's about being in a dark place. There are times where people are depressed and they want to give up on life. This can be interpreted from the lyrics "I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story". They want someone to come and save them; they are people that need help. This can be interpreted from the lyrics "Say it if it’s worth saving me" I feel this song paints an accurate picture of those suicidal situations that do happen everyday in life.


    Thank You

    If you made it to the end, thank you so much for reading and listening. What do you think of Nickelback? Are they one of your top rock bands?

    Please don't be afraid to share your three songs every Tuesday! Share the music share the love.



    I do not own any of these songs and these are not my YouTube channels; it's just for fair use and sharing new music to everybody. All credit for these songs go to their singer🙏.

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