Once Fallen.....

in voilk •  3 months ago


    It is true what they say about memories "They Are Unforgettable". Some memories leaves us smiling with our heart fluttering while others makes us cringe or embarrassed what we would never wish to relive such memories again.

    I have had some embarrassing moments that the mere thought of writing them out is making me more embarrassed. I thought of which to write amongst them,some were cringe worthy and some got me so embarrassed.

    One memory that got so embarrassed was a time when I attended a party some years back. Prior to that time, I always love rocking heels. Despite being tall, I still love wearing them.

    Despite some people's displeasure about me not contented with my tall height, I still love rocking heels because it gives me a kind of feeling when I walk, I can't really put my finger to it but I knew it made me feel good. Now when I said I wear heels, I didn't mean those ones with "pencil mouth". I only wear wedges because I walk comfortably in them.

    Putting on wedges has been working out for me and I kept rocking it. But when you wear people saying "leave your comfort zone, leave your comfort zone", just know that it doesn't always apply to every aspect of your life.

    I visited one of my aunts one day and while at her place, I saw a beautiful pairs of stilettos. It has an animal print color and I fell in love with. I have always wanted a shoe with that animal print and I didn't mind that it has a "pencil mouth", in fact the length of inches on this shoe was long but I didn't let that bother me as I begged my aunt to give me the shoe.

    She laughed and told me to take it if would fit me. I tried it on and it was a perfect fit so she asked me to take them. I was so happy and I couldn't wait to rock it to a party because it looked like the ones you wear to a party.


    So like you guessed, it didn't take long before I had a wedding party to attend. I had my dress made and was looking forward to attending.

    On the day of the party, I was dressed with my light makeup and all and wore my high heel shoe. Was I not supposed to wear some flats and take the shoes along with me so I could wear them at the party? No, I thought of how I didn't want to carry any extra "load". I mean, I do hear heels(wedges) before,so how hard could it be? Or so I thought.

    I forgot that while those who wears them rocked it effortlessly, one of the factors amongst others that contributed to that was the roads in which they walked on.

    From my house, I was lucky enough to get a bike to the bus stop and from the bus stop, I boarded a bus to the bus stop of the venue. All eyes were on me in the bus but I didn't care, I was wearing my earpods and was oblivious to whatever anyone was saying.

    When I got to the junction of the venue, I could see the venue not too far from me which made it a walkable distance. Now comes the problem, the road was very "rocky" or should I call it "stony" 😂😂😂 and I thought of removing my heels and walking barefooted but then people were all around and I didn't want to spoil my fine girl, so I started strutting forward like I own the street. "At least Aunty look at where you are going", I didn't o as I tried to walk confidently and before I knew it "gbuuuussshhhhh", I fell almost twisting my ankle and had a slight bruise on my arm.

    Suddenly, sounds of laughter erupted from one corner and I saw some group of guys laughing. I was so embarrassed that I don't know if I was to enter the into the ground or just have a power to vanish.

    "Heii, aunty sorry o" was thrown my way, while some older women started talking about young ladies and their problems with "slaying".

    I just took my heels in my hand and walked away from them with the remaining shred of dignity I had. I only wore the shoes back when I got to the venue. The party was so fun but I couldn't forget what happened and how embarrassed I was.

    I never planned on staying for too long but because of what happened, I stayed in the venue till night so that it would be already be a bit dark by the time I am to leave and that way most of the shops would have closes and no one would recognize me as the girl who fell.

    It was a good thing this Brother Bernard was not a trend then because that would have pained me more.

    I learned my lesson after that day and I only wear the shoe at the venue of any party I was attending before once fallen....

    Thank you all for reading.

    Images used are mine.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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