A Swimming Misadventure

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello hive World a pleasant good evening from my country Philippines. Its been a tiring day, my body is aching I didn't notice I fell asleep about 30 minutes. And now 22:17 my head is aching I don't know how can I returned back to sleep.

    Because it's holy week my kids are on a vacation. It started at Tuesday and classes will resume on Monday April 1st. The first trimester of the year was already finished, 2024 is a fast year. And about my post yesterday I have a good news; looks like my in law's are convince that they need to let go of my son. Maybe my mother in law felt how hard it is to raise Mariel on her side that didn't bother to help her often. They message us that we need to get JJ's things so when it needed to go to school he has his things.

    And before reality happened on Monday my daughter had her first swimming lessons with her classmates.



    She told me that she wasn't part of the plan, I mean she didn't want to come. Because the truth is she was 12-3 before or grade 12 section 3. But a new teacher came to their school and the three sections of the grade 12 students was divided so 12-4 was created. My daughter felt sad because her closes friends was together while she felt alone. But their friendship remains the same. I know them all I already introduce them here in this wonderful community @asean.hive. Since grade 7 their making my daughter happy.

    And now it's turned to meet the others

    I'll start with the groupie because it's the most exciting part. Their bonding and being close to each other outside the school. It means more fun.



    After my daughter arrive at the destination she send me this image. I was amazed because I thought it was a private pool. I asked how much was the entrance fee or cottage, but she told it was nothing and it's all free. I was shocked 😳 but I didn't bother to asked for more, I was worried because she didn't know how to swim. But I felt relief after she told me that it only had one pool. My daughter was overwhelmed by the unexpected kindness of her classmates. I also told that sometimes Friends are different you have the closest the least closest. But you have to give all a try to experience the world. Because you are growing. She is the type that she wouldn't talk first I mean she rather choose to quiet. But I know they find something special at my daughter that's why they invited her in.

    The reason why it's all free because the owner was a close of our government official and they pleased if they can rent it for one day. They just tried and amazed that they were lucky that it's a yes. Besides it's a mansion it also has basketball court, billiards which they also try but they didn't take any shots because its prohibited. The rules they can never post it on social media. And I do hope the others will listen because we're just here to share their generosity.














    It's the time go home they arrive at 10 in the morning and because their only expenses is their transportation. It's all worth it they just wished it was an overnight. But my daughter told me that they'll try to get back after their graduation. The food they give 30.00 pesos 🇵🇭 each so they were able to buy food. Except for their own stuff.



    Friendship and generosity really means a lot, it also values all. And at the end it also bring kindness to everyone.

    Thank you so much for reading
    Much Love, @usagigallardo015

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