Taking the trail unknown. Maybe the last summer Hike.

in voilk •  17 days ago

    Don’t know where will it go
    or the trail would led us to..
    Maybe to a paradise in the sky..
    No fear, no ups and down just floating like a free cloud...
    In the unknown sky!

    Hey Everyone!
    A beautiful day out here somewhere in the corners of Mahili Theel.
    A place truly hidden, un captured un seen.

    It was around 2PM In the afternoon where we were wondering and taking the trails unknown. It was our expedition in search of Rani Sui Lake and it was the time when were just headed towards Mahili Theel our Base Camp Site. So its just a story about the unseen, Unexplored and heavenly side of the Himalayas.

    Don't know about the place and not even sure that I would be able to find this heavenly trail on our next expedition as at this time we were at around more than 4000m above the sea level and the extreme summers were were only cause that this winter land was all a summer land as this place is mostly for more than 8-9 months covered under a thick blanket of snow.

    All of the greens turning to yellow and to grey and to white. Still the glaciers were seen covered under the frozen crystals of ice!

    A Birds Face

    Calling it a birds face and to few or to some the rock seemed like a face of a bird wasn’t it so! as it seemed like.

    There was a companion that we had from the moment we started our journey from the basecamp a Himalayan Shephard dog was our companion and as few of the dogs they walk behind us but this one was truly guiding us and if by any chance we took a rest and the dog walking briskly came back and waited for us!

    The texture of the rock was totally insane and the rock was into sheets of rocks one over another due to the climatic changes in winters. Making the whole land covered under whites.

    Everything just looked so dreamy and calm only we were in the whole area, wondering the Himalayas!

    It was the shephards paradise and the locals say! and the name suggests Mahili Thach. Thach in local Himalayan language is refered as to the meadows or the gazing spot.

    As of our location we were above the NTZ Non Tropical Zone. Where the trees pf any sort of vegetation does not grow or in other words we were above the tree line.

    The Last of Woods.


    While walking over the trails unknown we reached at a magical spot.

    Sheeps Gazing in a heard. It was really a mesmerising experience guys and I tried capturing the moment so that I could share it with you guys so that you could also get the true picture of the un seen side of the Himalayas.

    So thats all for today guys. I hope you liked it.

    Thanks for your precious time. 🙏
    Love from the Himalayas.❤️

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