Happy HPUD - powered up 37 HP !

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Happy 1st of June everyone - can you believe that we are nearly halfway through the year ?!!!!

    [We made a stop in Lancaster in England earlier in the week and went to see the beautiful Ashton Memorial which sits on the hill above the town and looks out over the countryside]

    Seeing as its HPUD, I've just powered up what I had available, hence the odd number of 37.609 HP:

    HPUD is really important for me. Growing my HP stack has been a goal since joining the HIVE ecosystem, and HPUD is a great way of helping that. This power up takes my stack to 12,755 HP - I'm in sight of the 13k mark now !

    I really like the community aspect of HPUD. It creates a buzz at the start of each month, and why not. We should celebrate the start of a new month, and its great that those who have participated have more in their HP stack - we are all growing together ! Plus its good for the HIVE ecosystem - so whats not to like, and we can all upvote by that little bit more !

    [Thats the other side of the Ashton memorial. Thats the red rose of Lancaster in the mosaic on the ground in front. It was the emblem of the Royal House of Lancaster during the War of the Roses (English Civil Wars in the 15th Century). ]

    OK - so thats June's HPUD in the bag !!!

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a fantastic day.

    All the best from Scotland (via Lancaster in England) !

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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