How To Add Value And Improve Our Worth.

in voilk •  2 months ago


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    Self-worth is very important because it impacts meaningful and positively on us. It improves our self respect, increase our joy and improves how others see us too. Our Worth improves as we recognize and build on our strengths, respect our choice and add more value on our lives.

    Many people reflect lack of respect for others and themselves. They usually value other inanimate privileges over humanity. They appreciate money, power and status. They strive so hard to achieve them even if it means loosing their values, morals and personality. Many religious, business merchants and politicians are good examples of people that displays lack of worth and respect by their selfish actions and unloving to others.

    Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves. We can improve our worth and add more values on ourselves. Although there are situations that we might feel worthless, but there are practical tips that can help us to combat these ugly feelings and become more loving. Let's discuss some of those situations and Ways to feel better in such times of distress.

    Situations That Affects Our Self-Worth And Value.

    Although these stressful situations can affect us differently but it's effects can be negative. We can see ourselves in positively and improve our mindset and feelings for better performance and success.

    When Dealing With Illness.

    Sickness of all kinds does not make us happy. It can affect us negatively. Many people even feel that they are no longer useful to anyone and even to themselves. Since illness especially the gravely ones can affect our capacity and makes our limitations very pronounced. In such situations, we might rely on others for help at all times or embarrassed when we can hold and help ourselves anymore.

    In such pitiful situation, we can still feel worthy and assured that we are useful. To improve our emotions and strengthen our mindset, a good word can be impactful. For instance, I visited my classmate's mate mother when I heard that she is weak, sick and bedridden because of strong paralyzed condition. She was diagnosed with cerebral and nervous conditions that affects her nerves around her head region, spines and legs. She is always weak and sometimes convulsions. With her, she talks down of herself and shows lack of respect for herself. Immediately, I corrected her and remind her of her strength and how she helped us personally when we were younger. She had great spirit and helps us financially, emotionally and mentally. Always advise us to do the right and maintain good names. She shed tears and hugs me. Her spirit reckoned and feels good about herself again till now whenever she see me. Good words and kind encouragement can inspire and strengthen such people that's dealing with negative emotions that illness brings.

    When dealing with illness, let's be assured that we are useful. It's temporary situation that can be treated and we became healthy again. Recognizing our strength and feel happy for our various achievements. Engage meaningful with others and never be shy or ashamed whenever they assist us. We can develop wholesome and positive view of our situation and encourage others with our experiences. Learn to draw strength from positive examples of other that have survived such situations and shun negative ideas and feelings.

    When Dealing With Economic Hardship.

    Without essential and money for the care of oneself and dependents, it's one of the stressful and difficult situations to abide with. Many people have loss their jobs and others are unemployed. To worsen the situation, they are finding it very difficult to secure another job and had many unsuccessful trips. Facing such situation can be tiresome and make one to feel worthless. But we can still feel happy and worthy. How?

    There are good examples that abound that show we can still feel better and fulfilled. The birds and other animals are having a satisfying lifetime despite not having real-time jobs and earnings. If they can still get feed and dress well, I will be happy and enjoying. Personally, I have strong faith that I will never be broke despite never having real employment after my schooling. I'm a certified and trained environmentalist and urban planner. This year makes it, complete six years of my graduation with good grades but no job of any kind to contribute my quota to the development and management of the development of my country. I have been sustaining and assisted by legitimate measures of earnings despite being low. I'm still very happy and enjoying my life.

    Rather than thinking negative about my joblessness, I'm very positive about it and helpful to others because I'm part of millions of people around the world facing this situation. Becoming more realistic and helpful, I started small groceries store that support my blogging. Knowing that it's not easy make me to be calculative and decided meaningful on several conditions which can affect me financially, emotionally and mentally. I'm a force to beckon and strength for many people, who looked on me rather than becoming ashamed or engage in nefarious activities for funds.


    Despite our circumstances, we should always feel good about ourselves. We have many good reasons to be thankful and appreciate our lives. We have great strength and abilities which makes us special and unique. We are precious and happy people despite our conditions.

    We can add more value on ourselves by improving our greatness and capabilities. Learn new skills and improve our talent to enhance our success and performance. Learn from others and cooperate favorably for good outcome.

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