in voilk •  4 months ago

    Life is full of ups and downs, it what all humans know and have also experienced. When things are great, it will look as if there will never be bad times again or that we have never been through one before. Also, when we face really difficult times, it always look as if things won't be better again.

    I remember this time I hit a really low time in my life. I cried so much and didn't step out of my room for days. I was so depressed and sad and I just couldn't snap out of that feeling. I thought I had got to the end of the tunnel and still couldn't see the light or any signs of it. I suffered a major financial loss before the time and tried to get back on my feet again. I saved up all my pocket money and every little money that I got. I had a target amount I wanted to save up before starting what I planned to use it for.

    Can you guess what it was? FOREX! You might guess I just started without having prior knowledge but that isn't true at all. Although, I wasn't near being a pro and definitely a bit far from being a novice. I had been learning for months, and I finally decided to trade a real account and not demo. I saved up 100 dollars, the entire money I was with then. You can imagine my sadness when I lost this money in just a day. I saved up for months just to lose it in a day! The heartbreak was intense, I couldn't hold back my tears.

    I followed one signal from a group on telegram and that was what ended my account. It was so painful and I was so sad. It was that day I vowed not to trade again until I have money I can afford to lose. When it comes to trading, one has to be very careful as the market can be very volatile. This can be to your advantage sometimes and other times, not at all. So, you just have to stay prepared for the two possible outcomes.

    I learned a lot from this experience and I also commend myself for getting back on my feet.

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