Finding Harmony in the Silence of Change

in voilk •  4 months ago

    My Sunday mornings have evolved over the years. Back in the day – 10 to 12 years ago – I remember hauling my ass off the bed as early as 5:30 AM to go help my mom in the kitchen with preparing our lunch, while simultaneously wrangling my other siblings from their slumber and making sure they all took a shower and got ready for church. It always took a miracle for us all to be ready in time for mass.


    These days, a lot of the action has died down as my siblings are all in school. So it’s just me and my mom at home. My usual punctual self now stays asleep till my mom nudges me awake. The previous ruckus made by my siblings running around the house looking for a lost shoe has now been replaced with my mom and I quietly getting ready.

    And the food, well, we just leave it until after church. We both came to the conclusion that a little hunger wouldn’t kill us. Besides, it’s just until the food is ready.

    After getting ready this morning, we made our way to church for the two hour Sunday mass. Midway through the homily, I was moved by the sermon to make plans for the week, so I whipped out the book and pen I’d hurriedly stashed into my purse earlier that morning and began to jot down my plans.

    When I was done writing, I kept the book back in my purse and waited some thirty minutes later. Then I prayed over the plans and committed them to God.

    After mass, we went home, and I began preparing our lunch. Thankfully, it wasn’t much of a hassle, as what we wanted to eat were leftovers from two Sundays prior. I just had to heat it up and boil some more rice.

    After cooking, I went over to my room to rest. Then I video called my siblings and caught up with them. Apparently it’s exam season, and they were complaining about the stress of reading. I could only sympathize so much since I couldn’t relate.

    While making plans in the church, I put together a to-do list for the day. So the moment I felt well rested, I immediately began doing the activities listed there. I did my laundry, I made a habit list, (inspired by the book Atomic Habits by James Clear), I browsed through Hive, and I did so many more.

    By the time I was finished, the gloomy evening clouds had seeped into the sky. At some point during those activities, I had my lunch while talking with a good friend of mine over the phone.

    Looking back, I can give myself a well deserved pat on the back for making good on my plans for the day. I just hope and pray that my plan for the coming days will run just as smoothly as I’ve planned.

    I’m definitely in high spirits for the week. I gladly look forward to it and the experiences that will come along with it. I hope work is great too.

    Cheers to the week ahead!

    Thanks for Reading 🤗🤗🥰

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