Slani zalogaji od tikvica/Savory zucchini snacks

in voilk •  15 days ago

    Danas pauziram od akvarela 🖌️😁Šta kažete na jedan sjajan recept za ručak?🥰
    Počinjemo odmah. Evo šta vam je potrebno:

    • Dve veće tikvice
    • dva jaja
    • 150 grama šunke
    • 1 pavlaka
    • 1/2 igre grčkog jogurta
    • kačkavalj
    • plasirani paradajz
    • ulje, so.

    I'm taking a break from watercolors today 🖌️😁How about a great recipe for lunch?🥰
    We start now. Here's what you need:

    • Two large zucchini
    • two eggs
    • 150 grams of ham
    • 1 sour cream
    • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
    • cheese
    • placed tomatoes
    • oil, salt.


    Kao što vidite, na dno posude stavite paradajz tek da pokrije dno.
    Preko njega poprskate malo maslinovim uljem.
    Zatim isečete tikvicu na tanje listove. Svaki list premažite kiselom pavlakom. Preko nje stavite šunku...

    As you can see, put the tomatoes on the bottom of the bowl just to cover the bottom.
    Sprinkle a little olive oil over it.
    Then cut the zucchini into thin sheets. Spread sour cream on each leaf. Put the ham over it...


    ...a preko šunke malo narendanog kačkavalja ili mocarele.

    and a little grated cheese or mozzarella on top of the ham.


    Svaki list nakon filovanja umotati u rolnu pa ih poređati po celoj tepsiji.

    After filling, wrap each leaf in a roll and arrange them all over the pan.


    Zatim umutiti dva jajeta sa pola litre grčkog jogurta. Posoliti i promešati.

    Then beat two eggs with half a liter of Greek yogurt. Add salt and mix.





    Zatim smesu preliti preko tikvica.

    Then pour the mixture over the zucchini.


    Stavite da se peče na 200 stepeni oko 50 minuta.

    Bake at 200 degrees for about 50 minutes.


    Kada su se tikvice ispekle, posuti rendanim kačkavaljem i ostaviti par minuta da se otopi na vrućim tikvicama.

    When the zucchini is baked, sprinkle with grated cheese and leave it for a few minutes to melt on the hot zucchini.


    Iseći i poslužiti uz krompir pire ili palentu.

    Cut and serve with mashed potatoes or polenta.




    Bon apetit, dragi moji prijatelji.

    Bon appetit, my dear friends

    Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

    Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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