Gratitude for Technological Advancements: A Reflection on Progress

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Nowadays, as we all can see, technology is growing very fast and we all are slowly adapting to it. We have seen a lot of changes in just a few years, everything has been linked to the internet and People have become very addicted to the internet and also to technology. Now technology is involved in everything, every year, every month, something new is seen and this is a very good thing because we are developing and gradually we are using technology to improve our lives. are being made much easier. For all these things, we should thank our talented scientists and researchers, because of which we can enjoy all these things, perhaps if there were not so many genius-minded people among us, then perhaps technology would not have developed so much nor We can take advantage of all these things.


    Although a lot of things have been developed, after science, I believe that there has been a lot of progress in the field related to health. Earlier times were different when people used to die due to normal cough or fever, but now due to science, so much progress has been made. All the medicines have arrived and so much equipment is available that with the help we can easily avoid even the most serious diseases. Yes, all this has not happened in a single day, it has taken many years of hard work and even now many big companies are spending crores of rupees on treating many diseases in the hope that maybe one day all these things will be cured. Things will work out. Many scientists are busy discovering new things and this is a good thing because with this we will be able to solve things more easily. Maybe in the future, so many truths keep going on, not every research should be public because There are many dangerous things and if the general public comes to know about them then it can create a very scary situation.

    As we all have recently seen the pandemic a few years ago and seen how a virus can bring devastation to the whole world and in the coming times, perhaps this will be a modern weapon due to which different countries can take over the whole world. This is my guess that we will try to do it, maybe it may or may not happen. Nowadays, bio-chemicals are very popular, as we saw during the Corona period, what kind of devastation they can bring all over the world, that too within a few months. Imagine what would happen if a similar weapon was released by one country to another country, perhaps people would not even know and they would die. I believe that science has made a lot of progress in the medical field. From treating many diseases to stopping many things, antidotes and medicines have been created by researching many very serious things. In the last many years, more It has become very popular and has saved the lives of lakhs and crores of people. The medical field is a field where science has made a lot of progress. This is not the only field where we have achieved a lot due to science. There are many other fields too but I want to talk about this field only because It is a very important and useful thing for everyone we all have some health issue or other. If medical science had not progressed then perhaps many people would not have been able to survive.



    Well, not only science, there has been a lot of progress in every field and because of that, we have become so modern, whether it is medical science, weaponry or rocket science, you name it, everywhere we are aware of science and technology. Thanks to this, a lot has come up and it is a matter of great happiness. But there are some things which I think we need to work on a lot more, that as solar power. Yes, still in some places around the world, most of the power grids run on what is called nuclear power, hydropower and other power. Is. But if we start using solar power more and more and use more solar energy, then we can control a lot of things. Yes, solar panels are a little costly and their life cycle is also a little short, but I think that maybe some solution can be found, due to which we can extend the life of solar panels and some such technology can be further developed. So that we can consume and use more and more solar energy, if we want, everything is possible because the coming time is now of solar power and electric era, as we can see that gradually- How things are changing slowly.

    Yes, just saying it may not be possible but I am sure that somewhere the research team must be trying to make all these things cost-efficient and increase their life because if solar panels are installed everywhere after a few years Too much of it will be wasted and here Mehndi can be a serious problem in the coming few years, so we should also be distrustful about the future and work on such technology so that we can make this cost-efficient and long-lasting. I believe here that there are a lot of intellectual people in our world and there are so many honours that perhaps shortly some solution will be found and this is also very important because in the future and sooner or later natural resources will be available. They will end because everything has a limit and everything has a lifetime, similarly, if we want, we can achieve things, we take time in everything but nothing is impossible. Everything is possible, we just have to feel a little duty towards it. What do you think about this?

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    Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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