Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1245)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    Up late, Peculiar dreams, More cleaning & Looking into anaerobic biodigesters!

    Alright, I am more or less on time with my writing routine this evening... even though I could have started slightly earlier... and been 'right on time' instead. I kind of want to skip the writing altogether... but thankfully my desire to stay on track has 'won out' yet again.

    I dunno what kept me up so late last night (aside from maybe having napped all day) but I had a heck of a hard time falling asleep... and was up until well after three in the morning. When I eventually managed to drift off, I had a bunch of intense dreams that all revolved around fleeing from an area where a nuclear strike had occurred.

    Somehow I still managed to wake up early in the day and do my Hive engagement routine first thing in the morning... but overall I just skimmed through my feed without doing any actual engagement. Eventually, I would like to do more when I do that routine... but lately engaging with anyone (anywhere) has been rather challenging.

    It really was not until I started having to use the phone (and other communication platforms) a lot recently... that I realized just how thoroughly I like to be left alone to my own thoughts at this point in my life. Some of that could of course be being accentuated by the tremendous amount of stress that I have been feeling... but overall I think that I simply value the silence.

    Anyways, today was not super productive because I was still feeling rather wiped out... but I did get some more containers washed as well as some tools that I had left soaking in bleach water. I am sure that there is some kind of explanation for it... but soaking my rusty tools in a strong mixture of bleach water has been doing wonders for removing the rust... even though such a solution is supposed to cause rust!

    I probably could have gotten more done today... but even though the wind had died down significantly... the steady breeze was even chillier than it was yesterday when it was blowing super hard all day. I guess that it goes to show that it really does not take much to discourage me from working on stuff... given how dirty and gross the work itself is to start with.

    At some point this afternoon I started researching anaerobic biodigesters (the kind that produce biogas/methane) and honestly I really like the idea of getting both a digester... and a toilet system that attaches to it. I would need to dig through the state codes and regulations surrounding them... but it could be a good way to both dispose of waste and produce fuel at the new land.

    I really doubt that such a system will pass as a 'septic system' given that it does not handle wastewater (aside from the small amount from the toilet) but it could make for a better approach than renting a portajon. I also really like the optional idea of not only manufacturing biogas... but scrubbing it for impurities... and then compressing it into metal tanks (like standard LPG or propane tanks) for long term storage.

    The other thing that I like about having such a system is its relatively low maintenance needs... and how I could have an infinite supply of gas once it is setup and operating properly. Although I would most likely want to keep making dirt and growing worms with my dog waste... the system could also be used with said waste and require very little input from me as far as vegetative (or food scrap) waste goes.

    While I was reading about such systems online, I also came across several videos on how to build them myself... but overall I like the idea of buying it as a prefab unit that will pass the muster of any state or county inspectors. It sucks that I have to consider 'how things look' over 'how they function' but given that I will not be in some remote area... I will need to 'toe the line' in that regard.

    Such a system could also be used to cook with, be used for heating purposes... and to run a generator for producing electricity. I could also simply run a gas powered air compressor with the methane... and then store the compressed air... which could be used later for any number of things.

    Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

    These black locust saplings are putting out a lot of foliage!

    Thanks for reading!

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    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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