Hive Future?

in voilk •  3 months ago


    The Hive Name.png

    I look around I listened to what others had to say. I seen errors in the theories and conflicts with morality people claim to hold. Highlighting these things gets you isolated. I see coders that take years to code, all the time being fed by the DAO. Which has been called out by myself and others for the self serving of those who gained control over the blockchain. While Justin Sun would have ruined the chain. Those who gained control abuse it anyway.

    Code is not the future of the blockchain. The rewards provided will lose value over time too. This is inevitable with the current systems used to promote and bring Hive to a future.

    The failure of Hive are in what it has not done to secure its future. No effort is given to ensure survival and a continuation value. As soon as Hive was made. The thousands of people who came together to avoid a hostile takeover, were forgotten no longer needed. Since then the DAO is plundered by collaboration.

    How many people has the new coding brought to the chain?

    Hive does not look like something that will be the difference, unless things change.

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    Hive has no community ambition. It has plenty of ambition on an individual basis for many. The same people will always get the funding from the DAO.

    Take a look at the proposals.


    The top one is the biggest joke, stabilizer.
    This creates a false economy around the Hive tokens.
    This proposal ensures those who have a proposal going get the full buck.
    12,000 a day to ensure that HBD is always a dollar. How much has been wasted trying to keep HBD at a dollar. If that support went to alternative means, HBD would stay at the dollar and HIVE would be a higher value. The stabilizer has been going how long now X 12,000 a day, 4,380,000 in one year.

    And all it does is ensure those with other proposals get their extortion rates per day.

    On the surface Peakd does not look too bad. 700 for 9 people, $64 a day each seems cheap. The question I have is, Peakd a private entity. Are the things it brings about and the code it creates available for common use? Then the next is SPK the same again. Is the DAO supporting private development?

    Next is the SQL. It seems this has done a lot over the past. It also appears to be open sourced. I doubt every day that it is worked on though. and 135 HBD still gets paid.

    Actifit. WTF is that getting 230 a day. This is the shite that crumbles the DAO.

    Core Developer? This is in its 4th year. Paying out 330 a day, over 2K a week?

    Dbuzz. that's the third front end to be listed for funding.

    Keychain. Very useful, but how many more years of funding? At 600 a day 4.2K a week.

    Honeycomb. This on first reading seem more about everything else than Hive.

    Hivewatchers and others like it are a necessity for the combat of plagiarised other other unwanted content.

    That's just the top 10.

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    It seems to me. A better method might be to tender the code creation. Who creates the code that works correctly after testing gets the dollar. This nonsense of paying people to code who might never do the code is a joke.

    Hive needs a code to do X and has a reward of XXXX. Who brings the code gets the prize. Get paid for the job and not the saying you will do the job. I wonder. Did Blocktrades pay his employees by the week or by the code produced. And if they did not produce the code, were they kept on as employees.

    All this is not to say that people do not have a genuine interest in the development of the Hive chain. Just that might be going about it all wrong.

    The lowest cost is 135 HBD. How many hours a day working is that? 3 4 ?

    Well I do not know about you. If I was getting 135 a day for anything on Hive. I would be talking with as many people on Hive as possible. I would be finding out the things they want and using resources to bring that about. With any more I would pay people to bring the news of what people want and put the other resources to make it happen.

    So far over the last 4 years. Hive as just about stagnated with all of the coding. Hive is still the same. It cannot bring people onboard and retain them. This all comes down to the typical structure every abusive system in the real world uses. No money no say.

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    Alternative means to support the HBD and give it a realistic held value of 1 dollar should have been developed years ago.

    The DAO should be removed and all that funding go to the reward pool for blogs and comments.

    Those making proposals are getting paid by the chain while the DAO is there and should not gain rewards then from posting about the project. They should decline pay out rewards. Anything else is just double dipping.

    Having more money, more HP or more influence does not make an opinion right. Having those does make it easier to ignore people who highlight errors.

    After all, that is what politicians do. Ignore the electorate and do what will improve their own standing. I see that here with Hive. If it helps everyone, there is no interest. But there are elites here to. That will never look at anything outside of their own box.

    I include all of the witness in that. Not one has a vision of a future outside of code.

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