Tolerance is the key

in voilk •  5 months ago


    The word "TOLERANCE" means the ability to deal with something or someone unpleasant or annoying, or we can say is a willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that is different from your own, though you might not agree with or approve them. Tolerance has to do with you personally and it has to do with you being extremely patients in anything that come your way. Intolerance can spoil lot of things and can spoil good reputation you've built for a long time. Tolerating people doesn't mean you are a fool or you can't retaliate to whatever happen, it's just simply saying you really know what you doing and there is a reason why you choose not to do anything concerning what happen to you.

    >We've all find our self in one condition or the other, where tolerance is needed, now ask yourself this, imagine you didn't apply patients and tolerate whatever happened that day, what could have happened? Ability not to retaliate that day, is what makes you a tolerance person and the rewards for this is nothing to compare with because you'll find yourself leaving a peaceful life and achieving what you never think you can archive. In tolerance we can have challenges in some area of our life like religion, Education, Job, colleagues, friends and even within our family

    When we are talking of applying tolerance in religion, there are times that we might find ourselves in a places where the religion they do is different from ours, and the funny part of it is they will know you're from a different religion, yet in your face, they will be criticizing you, if you don't apply tolerance, you'll retaliate and it might later backfired or distroy many things for you. If you find yourself in this condition, what you have to do is to accept them for who they are and just look away, it won't be easy to look away sometimes but if you can control yourself, you really can wave it away without feeling bad within yourself.

    # Tolerance is needed in education aswell if you really want to go far and learn what you needed to learn. There are times your lecturer will do something unpleasant for you, which you could have retaliate, but you know within yourself that if you do, it's gonna spoil many things for you, because the lecturer might end up failing you in his or her course which will damage alots of things for you, instead apply patients and tolerate the lecturer for you to get what you want. Samething apply to your Job, especially if you are a white collar job or even a blue collar job. It's always disgusting when someone that is not upto your age or standard talk or behave to you the way you don't want, Sometimes it might be your boss, trying to give you work in late hours time when you suppose to have close for the day, if this happen you wouldn't have choice than to be patients and accept whatever he or she asked you to do, if not you might find yourself getting fired or having short pay at the end of the month


    When dealing with colleagues, friends and family members, you have to be very careful too, in other not to spoil things for yourself. The truth is if you make life simple for you, you don't take things hard, it will be easy for you to tolerate people and accept people for who they are. Now I'll share you the Benefits/Advantages you'll get if you can learn how to tolerate people and the Disadvantages you'll get if you don't like to tolerate anything

    1. It makes you to have peace of mind and peaceful life
    2. It increases your productivity in everything you do
    3. It makes you an outstanding person
    4. It gives you respect and also let people to respect you
    5. It add value to your personality

    1. It destroy many things for you
    2. It makes you a bad person in the society
    3. It gives you ego and pride that will not be useful for you
    4. It makes you loose your value and your personality
    5. People don't like to work with intolerance person

    The key to a great achievement is TOLERANCE, while the result of intolerance is REGRET

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