in voilk •  4 months ago

    Do you ever wish you could change something about your body? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Lots of people feel unhappy with some part of their looks. But when you get stuck on what you don’t like, it can really bring down your self-esteem. And that’s what I’m talking about today.


    Literally body image can be said to be you perspective of yourself it involves how we think and feel about ourselves, as studies have shown this can be both good and bad, and varies periodically (is subject to periodical change). Body image poses significant on our mental and emotional wellbeing, and generally as insinuated can affect our self esteem and confidence positively and negatively.

    It is however sad to note that in the world we live in today it has become a norm for people to want to conform to the pressure exerted upon them by their peers or models to try to attain unrealistic and unattainable beauty standards.


    Most people feel turn it to have a better body shape in order to have a good body image or a good view of the themselves, but is that actually true?
    But actually The fact is that it’s best to start the other way round!! by Accepting yourself first, You can do that if

    • You don’t body shame yourself, you can avoid this if you avoid making negative and abusive comments about yourself, both in words and thoughts , this can harm your self-esteem as it would if another person said it.

    • You realise that nobody’s perfect, if you realise that even the models that you see, that seem flawless have their own faults and flaws it can help give you some sort of confidence cos you’ll realise you’re not the worse after all. Soo see your body as it is , not as you want it to be.

    • You don’t attempt to compare yourself to other people, “ comparison with other people who seem to have the ideal features can take your joy away, look out for things to like about your body , and show deep appreciation for the things it can do, that way you’ll be building your self-esteem.

    • You try to accept compliments , when someone compliments you show appreciation and thank the person ,rather than choosing not to believe the person, this is very important as it will show you that some people don’t see you as the downgraded boy or girl you sees yourself as.

    It is important to note that body image may not be all about physical appearance, but mostly how you view your body, that’s the more reason you need to improve your approach to that, this is because negative body image can manifest through multiple ways,it can even affect your health just as studies have shown, as it can result to distorted eating and body dismorphia.

    Improving your body image can be challenging, but it’s not impossible, this might mean that you have to challenge and change negative comments and abusive comments about yourself , you can improve your body image by focusing more on your strengths , talents and qualities, and importantly by developing a sense of worth and value that does not depend on looks ,thus boosting your self-esteem.

    Practicing self-care and self-compassion can help improve body image by nurturing our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engaging in activities that make us feel good, such as exercise, hobbies, and socializing, can boost our mood and self-esteem. Taking care of our bodies through healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate rest can also improve our body image by promoting a sense of well-being and vitality.

    Another important way to improve your body image positively is by seeking help and assistance from friends ,relatives and family members, or mental health professionals. Openly discussing about our feelings and experience to trusted individuals might be what we really need to improve our body image, as this can help us gain the positive perspective, validation, and mutual support they can offer.Therapy or counseling can provide a safe space to explore and address underlying issues that contribute to negative body image, such as past traumas, distorted beliefs, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

    You can feel better about your body, if you take good care of it, below are some tips that might prove helpful.

    • Eat healthy food: eating healthy food is a very crucial way through which you can improve your body image, learn the foods that are good for you and in what quantity. Take your time to enjoy each and every meal, when you treat your body right , you’ll feel great about it!!.

    • Be active and fit: for you to be fit your body needs to move, you can run, jog or workout,or do anything at all that’ll make you feel good.

    • Keep healthy weights: your doctor should tell you what you should weigh, don’t change your diet by yourself , if you are not at a healthy weight, contact a doctor or a physician.

    What if I Need Help With My Body Image or Self-Esteem?

    Sometimes, body image or self-esteem problems are too much to handle alone. Health issues, depression, or trauma can affect how you feel about yourself. And eating disorders can cause a poor body image that isn’t true.

    Tell a parent, doctor, or therapist what you’re going through. Ask for help. Body image and self-esteem can get better with help and care.

    By taking all above stated steps, we can create and sustain a healthy self esteem and confidence, by embracing our bodies as they are ,flaws and all, lead to improved overall well-being, and confidence.

    This is my entry to the ongoing #marchinleo going on why not join, this a very good opportunity to do so.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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