Kindness And How It Relates To Health

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Welcome Back To My Space

    Image by lauraelatimer0 from Pixabay

    I am happy to be writing another post on the topic of kindness. I personally believe that this is a conversation worth having and I appreciate @dreemsteem and @gregscloud for bringing this challenge as a collaboration between @dreemport and @kindness communities here on Hive.

    In my previous post , I shared a few lines about what kindness means to me and also a few experiences I have been privileged to have in respect to kindness. You can check the post out for the full gist.

    In this post however...
    First of, let me say that kindness is not something meant for some people to show others. Every human being has the ability to be kind, and therefore should be kind.

    Or better put
    We all have in us what it takes to be kind, so we need to focus on being the givers of kindness and not just on being receivers only.

    When we show kindness
    🔸️We are helping someone solve a problem.
    🔸️We are wiping tears from someone's face.
    🔸️We are putting smiles on someone's face.
    🔸️We may be saving someone from danger or death.
    🔸️We are helping someone make progress.
    🔸️You are healing relationships.

    From what I wrote above, someone may feel that only the receivers benefit from kindness. I beg to disagree, so please bear with me a little longer.

    The True Reality
    One of the things I have learnt in life is that whatever you make happen for others, you are actually doing for yourself. This includes the good, the bad and the ugly... The law of karma is real, hehehe!

    Look at it this way,

    Image by StarFlames from Pixabay

    Whether you give a cup of water to someone, or share your bread with the hungry... Whether you encouraged someone with a kind word or some cash... Whether you opened your doors to a stranger or gave them a lift or a hug...
    The receiver of your acts of kindness becomes Happy and joyful, eats and is satisfied, finds reason not to give up on life...
    But there is this indescribable joy and unexplainable feeling of satisfaction you as the giver (or shower) experience. When you are joyful, you look younger and more beautiful. You build an atmosphere around you that keeps attracting things of joy. You find out that your mental health is boosted, because joy is a powerful emotion that improves our mental health.

    And Also
    Apart from showing kindness to other people, we need to be kind to ourselves. The ways to do this include
    🔸️Paying attention to what we eat.
    🔸️Creating a work/life balance so we can rest well.
    🔸️Forgiving ourselves for errors and failures.

    What's the gain?
    🟠Eating right helps us maintain healthy bodies and have enough physical energy for daily life activities.

    🟠Having enough rest helps us heal from physical stress and mental stress, so we can be more productive.

    🟠Forgiving ourselves is great for our mental health as we find our confidence and self esteem increase and improve.

    In Conclusion
    Consider the benefits I have mentioned above and be kind, not only to others, but to yourself also.

    Thank you for reading to this point. I, @ngwinndave, wrote this post. The images used in this post are free-to-use images from pixabay, and are properly sourced.

    Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section, and I will get back to you. Thank you once again.

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