❤️🩹💊👭👨‍👧‍👦Mommy's Mental Health - Chapter 49: finding Purpose❤️🩹💊👭👨‍👧‍👦

in voilk •  4 days ago

    It's been a few weeks of ups and downs, highs and lows...

    some scenery shots I took at Melkbosstrand. Mist and cloud cover meant I couldn't see the mountain or Robben Island, which are normally impossible to miss!

    The new meds were definitely an experimental process, as they usually are, but I had to find the dosage that worked for me. We took it up a bit too high, so I've reduced it to 15mg from 30 mg of Remeron which seems to be the sweet spot for balanced emotions and good quality sleep.

    Unfortunately, I can't do much more for the pain, which really sucks. We had the most incredibly lovely holiday, celebrating @jasperdick 's birthday in Hermanus.

    Here's me getting gig ready:

    We had a great gig, which we almost gave up on due to bad sound and a couple of other gremlins, but I am so glad we pushed through. I am so grateful to have such a good friend as a musical partner. It means we get to take turns inspiring each other and we genuinely care about the other person's wellbeing. It's not about fame and fortune for us. It's about connection and performing at gigs that feed our souls and in turn, feed the souls of our audience.

    My damn selfie thingy broke again, so we were left with some bits and pieces of videos, but not what I was hoping for. And I nailed that Alanis song! I will have to give "Oughta Know" another bash when I can. It's a tough one, but once you get into it and stop thinking so hard about what comes next, it just flows.

    A compilation of the evening that I managed to piece together

    We snuck Aime in with us, but she's growing up so fast that no one noticed. I'd rather her be gently introduced to the nightlife world with us, her parents, than walk in blind with irresponsible friends. I mean, it's bound to happen eventually, but hopefully, by then, Aime will know her limits and we will have imparted valuable information to keep her safe.

    Despite missing out on beach walks and swimming and watching hte kids play, I did a lot of resting and restoration which my soul really needed. I was still in the middle of the 30mg Remeron dose and wasn't sure why I was feeling so crappy. It has also taken me a hell of a long time to heal from my last fall, so I decided to stay where it was warm. @jasperdick and @zakludick had a wonderful time swimming with the kids and even helped them build a dam! I am so glad the kids got to enjoy the beach. Hopefully, I will be able to join them again soon.

    The kids have all been learning how to cook, Aime is already almost at master level so it's the boys who are playing catch up now. They're all doing such a great job. And it's super helpful since I can't actually stand for longer than two minutes at the moment.

    I missed my kitties terribly while on holiday. The sudden passing of Mittens has me paranoid about them, but they are quite fine. Just look at them quietly judging us from under the table! They are also staging a hunger strike because we had to buy a different brand of food. Little spoilt shits! Lol.

    It is that time of year for tax returns - I am hoping for a fat refund 🙏🙏, so I've been busy with that while I await my next writing project. It's been slow to land one this time... but I guess I need to just keep my chin up and keep trying.

    It has also been extremely cold here in Cape Town, with snow predicted in the coming week. I would absolutely love to drive out! It does mean that I convinced Zak to get me another hot water bottle after recovering psychologically from the burnt butt saga. I also found this gorgeous hot water bottle for Aime while I was collecting my prescription the other day. Isn't it just perfect? I think it's a floofy rainbow bunny?

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