Pinoy Food: Pinakbet

in voilk •  last month

    What is Pinakbet?

    Pinakbet is one of the delicacies of the Ilokandya here in the Philippines. The main ingredients are various low land vegetables such eggplant, string beans, okra, ampalaya, wing beans, and some other veggies you want to add. The best way to cook is adding fish sauce or the Alamang.

    My own version of pinakbet

    My mother have a small backyard wherein I harvest some of the mentioned ingredients of the pinakbet.

    The available only is the string beans, okra and ampalaya leaves. Also the ginger and sili panigang. I have also my own sweet and spicy alamang and one can of fresca tuna.

    Since its already vacation, it is time to teach my children to cook simple dishes from preparation of ingredients to cooking.

    I make a simple photo collage by Canva for you to take a look. Thank you and hope you like our menu for today's breakfast.

    fresh veggies for my tummy_20240605_101738_0000.png


    fresh veggies for my tummy_20240605_101810_0000.png

    This is the reason qhy I love living here in the countryside since we have a lot of free vegetables compared to the city which this vegetables are expensive.

    Let me show you our backyard. We also have seasonal fruits which my late Daddy planted. He once said, I plant for my grand children to remember me. Indeed, everytime we harvest the fruits, I always tell my daughter that their late Lolo planted those fruits for them remember him. Lets plant even in the vase only for food consumption of our family. It is really a big help for our budget specially today, inflation versus salary and wages be like fighting but still not winning😅.
    Thank you so much❤️

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