Upping Vote Values

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi fellow Hiveians,

    Today I wanted to talk about how interesting it is seeing the positive price action and its reflection on voting strength!


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    Upping Vote Values

    After dealing with the bear market for quite a while, even if we may be in a false bull or whatever the heck this is, a nice strong vote feels good with the positive uptick in price action! Granted I'm not one who focuses on "green candle" type shit all the time - I am accumulating Hive when things are good as well as when things are rough!


    It does feel pretty cool though to compare these things to a few months ago. Seeing my upvote value crossing .70$ is pretty remarkable - I distinctly remember when I was a little redfish swimming around, getting used to Hive and the people on it, seeing my vote values of .001 and the like, thinking that when people would give me .50$ votes it was fucking amazing. Now I've got that and some vote strength, and dishing it out to people is pretty fun of an activity, I must say! I do try to not dish out 100% votes though, but have done it here and there. I think if we get more positive price appreciation during this cycle and my vote gets to 1.00 I will give out one or two of them to just have a feel for it haha.


    I do want to make sure to call out the more important factor though! Yes the dollar value of the vote fluctuates according to the price action of Hive but the important thing to understand and realize is the above screenshot! My vote is worth 1.54 Hive at current value, 1.64 at full 100% voting power. This is what really matters at the end of the day! When you have a healthy Hive upvote, yes what it reflects in dollars which things are denominated in for easy understanding but what matters is as the blockchain level. If I give someone a 100% upvote, I am adding 1.54 Hive to that post, and have it divvied up between all of the other voters that visited the post. I should theoretically get .77 Hive back in curation which is pretty remarkable in my opinion!


    I did some rough calculations for fun, and if the price continues to rise at about .50$ my 100% vote would be worth .80$ just about, give or take .01 and that is just at .50$. If Hive hits 1.00$ then I would be dishing out 1.60$ votes at 100% which is insane for me haha. I never thought that I would be giving away such votes but that's the thing about accumulation and adding power - it grows as long as you're letting it grow! Eventually exponentiality kicks in and with the curation rewards that are coming in daily, and the rewards I've gotten from posts, the Hive Power is growing quite nicely.

    I still remember a comment conversation that I had with Daltono a few years back - thinking of a time when Hive is at some pretty nice prices and giving out 5$ votes to people around the chain - some of them getting their family's food money for the day or for the week. I know those may be extreme examples, and likely not going to happen but that's one of the motivators of me doing this. Yeah I'm building it for myself and my family's future, but I am not doing any withdrawals on it, instead just building it constantly and making sure that I am growing the stake as much as I can, so that one day I could have those type of positive changes for people around the world.


    Crypto does give freedom to a lot of people in the world - as we can see with people in Venezuela relying on the income they earn on Hive to supplement their family's finances and taking it a step further and creating uses cases like Hive Sucre to take fully crypto-centric capabilities to the places that need it the most. These are the revolutionary ideas and concepts that started with cryptocurrency and Bitcoin so many years ago. These are the ideals that are alive and thriving here on Hive in my opinion. Yes we have a lot of leeches and people trying to just drain the balances dry but at the same time we also have a lot of people building and trying to grow and improve the platform because it's the right thing to do and it helps out far more people when we do it that way.


    Seeing the positive price action like this, and knowing the future fluctuations up and down, make it one of those minor enjoyable things that I and many others do on a daily basis!

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    -CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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