Summoning The Monster of Disco

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hey monster!
    Where have you gone?

    I kind of miss you...

    No need to fear me.
    It's safe.
    I won't harm you.

    I just want (you) to tell your story.

    I am summoning The Monster of Disco, to come out of its hibernation and start telling me its story, so I can share it with the world.

    Do you remember this colorful fella that first came to me in August last year?

    parasite at the disco light

    Or perhaps you remember it break dancing?

    Or what about this version of it, more monster-like, pimped with a disco hat
    or is it disco-ed with a pimp hat?:

    No matter what, I sure remember it and it seems to have escaped me, for a bit.

    I can smell its foul breath though and I would love to reconnect with it, as the thing has a message to spread and came to me, almost half a year ago, to spread the word. At least that's what it felt like.

    I need more of its words though.
    I can't work with what I have.
    Plus, in all honesty, I like its energy.

    And I would like to parasitize on it would love to hang out with it for a bit, once again.

    Since Hypersensitivosaurus has left me, I feel a little lonely, at times. After all, I hung out with this friendly giant lizard for almost 4 years.

    Then, yesterday evening, just after dinner, I suddenly felt some excitement that I (mis)took for inspiration.

    I sensed that if I would brew an evening coffee, I might channel The Monster of Disco (writing) and would thus finally get back to writing creatively (instead of sharing mere life updates or talking about distractions, lack of inspiration and creativity) .

    Instead of listening to my intuition, I decided to go for decaf (I usually don't drink coffee at night and felt it might ruin my sleep) and, as you might expect, I got tired soon after, forgot about The Monster of Disco and didn't write a single word.

    Today is a new day though and tonight is a different evening. I won't go for coffee though. I had my second coffee around 15:30PM, so that one will have to make do.

    And, just now, I had my first alcoholic drink in 9 days ( not a record ). To be more precise, I had 2 small glasses of beer with my dinner. I also took a hot bath, just before that, so let's see if this double relaxation will do the trick.

    Will The M of D make its way back to my mind. Am I tuning in on the right frequency tonight? Only one way to find out...

    P.S. Just in case, could you help me summoning it? It likes quality cheese.

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