Bringing the Party with My Custom Bar Game Creation Journey

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Bringing the Party with My Custom Bar Game Creation Journey


    Hello game friends!

    I wanted to share the colorful journey of ideating and designing “Challenge Accepted” - the custom card game I created for my local bar, Section 30. I love the lively atmosphere at my bar, but wanted to spark even more guest interaction and memorable I devised a playful game to break the ice and bring the party up a notch!

    Play testing

    The core idea is simple: draw red, black or blue cards to take turns completing silly challenges, brazen dares, or chaotic sabotages. Red cards are low-risk point opportunities while Black cards demand bolder moves for bigger rewards! And the Blue Bonus cards allow you to creatively meddle with opponents! First to 50 points wins, but trigger the wrath of the bar gods by exceeding the limit!

    Cards that were printed

    0 - Unnamed (Back).jpg0 - Unnamed (Back).jpg0 - Unnamed (Back).jpg
    0 - Unnamed (Front).jpg0 - Unnamed (Front).jpg0 - Unnamed (Front).jpg

    I aimed for loud, bombastic card artwork to catch eyes across the bar and color-coded deck borders for easily identifying card types during hands-off gameplay. The logo shields nod to brave heroes willingly facing “challenges accepted” while the crossing horns and ribbons represent fanfare rewarding their displays. However, after printing, the bright colors collided too much so I’m tweaking the hues for better distinction.


    Ultimately, I want Challenge Accepted to spark camaraderie, laughter and a little healthy mischief! The cards promote playful creativity, memorable interactions, and embracing fun discomfort zones - everything that makes a night at my bar truly unforgettable!

    Let me know what you think - I’d love your feedback!

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