Importance of Balanced Diet and Nutrition to Stay Healthy

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hi #Hivelearners community.

    Today's topic was very interesting how we can keep balance in life it is a fact that we need balance in everything we do in life if we don't do it our life there will be more and more problems within the body, the way we see that people who do not take care of their diet and keep eating too much,

    One day they become very fat and then their the test of life starts because diseases start to occur only after becoming fat and we have also seen in our own life that after becoming fat one has to struggle a lot to get back to being thin which every human being has to do. If not, it is better to balance our life so that we don't have to worry about such things.

    Doctors also always suggest us that we should take care of our diet and eat on time and if we do things on time then we will not have any problem in life if we eat according to routine. If we eat after time then many things can change inside our body because the body is used to one thing and when that thing is not available at that time things get bad and we are watching.

    There are so many problems going on in life today that people who are are very sad, so we have to take balance in some things in life, otherwise life will continue to go on with more problems. In life as we know that we meet thousands of people in our life but we can be happy with few people so what is the thing that makes us happy the most important thing is we are happy as we are with people with whom we have been living for a long time and about whom we know everything and they know everything about us,

    So where we do not respect. If we meet, we should not stay there. Respect is always what is special and important. We see that we are not respected in such places, so we should not go there at all. If we go there more, there will be chances of fighting. Contact with such places should be completely cut off. The special thing is that we have some friends, family members, relatives,

    So we should divide our time with all the people and it is very important to balance within it, if we don't balance within it, In married life again we can face difficulties because single life is a different thing and after marriage many responsibilities come on a person and many special things also happen because when the house is different.


    If a new member comes in and needs your support, then it is better to divide your time equally among the special people, then the chances of fighting are also reduced, otherwise if we If you give too much time to one side, then the fight starts again in life. After marriage, some time passes like this. Good people, but later problems start.

    Wise people know that they how to divide the time. No matter how hard we try in life but it is a fact that due to financial conditions and such things there are things that cause worry to keep running inside the mind so how can we live a good life with it. can live and live a balanced life so here I would like to share some things with you I have personal experience.

    Because I keep going to such places for traveling what is the difference between urban and rural life and how the people of the villages are living a better life than the urban people and why their age is more than the urban people, then we will talk about it now in this way we know that the routine of the village people He who is round is better, he wakes up at five o'clock in the morning, watches the sun rise and takes a walk, which keeps him healthy.


    A villager never uses a bike or car much, he does his daily routine work by walking, due to which his health is very good and he lives longer. If the people of the city also adopt the things here, many special changes can happen in their lives, but an urban person who is here surely finds peace by going to natural places and he also knows this because.

    I also spend two or three days a week going into rural areas in the same way where it is very relaxing to see natural things because it is a fact that there is as much peace in natural things as in anything else. If not, what we all should do is to spend the spare time we have at these scenic spots a couple of times a week so that we too can get some relief from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

    People keep balance in life, keep balance in their diet, keep balance in financial conditions of their life or keep balance in all other things even in relationships. I don't live in trouble like this other person who doesn't know what to do in life and how to give importance to people and how to earn respect from them. It depends on the person how people will respect him,


    So it is up to each person how he can live a good life, can live a balanced life when everything is given time. If the relationship is respected then there will be peace in life otherwise a good life will never be lived. If you see, the people who are successful in life and those who are maintaining all relationships even after marriage,

    Then those are the people who have kept balance in each relationship and have given time to each relationship, then those are the people who have a good relationship. Live life all other people have problem in their life so they should also take their life in a good place and spend it together with friends with family because life is too short don't know. When will it end.


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    Who is djbravo?

    Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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