I Hate What I Don't Like - A Pet Peeve Or A Phobia?

in voilk •  last month

    I'm one of the many, if not few, who rarely finds something annoying or hates an action by someone. I can boost that I'm easy to live with because I tend to have patience or tolerate people much easily unlike some would. I've lived with people who gets annoyed at literally everything they don't like or see people do.

    I thought hard on what I hate or a pet peeve of mine to find some. Maybe I'm yet to experience things that I'll categorize as pet peeves for me but for now, there are not so many of them.


    Aside the morals I'm brought up with to live by and hate to see people partake in it, there are random things I just find myself not liking and so I'll say they are pet peeves or maybe it's a Phobia (mild one I think) lol. Out of the few I remember now, one is most strongest for me to stop hating and I still don't how it came about.

    I don't like sliced onions in my meals and so I find it almost irritating to see others eat it so comfortably. Everyone of my family loves sliced onions in their meals so I'm very unsure where I got this from, I don't eat meals with sliced ingredients in it except I'll take my time to pick them out one after the other.

    Dad finds it annoying just as I find it irritating to see them eating it. Because of this pet peeve of mine, I've learnt cooking skill accommodating this side of me and so you'll hardly find them in my meals except others will be eating most of what I prepare.

    I don't like it when people walk and make unnecessary noise like the crackling sounds while walking or hitting the ground too heavily as if they are jump walking lol. In short, I hate noise but this isn't something I can avoid so I've learned to live with it. Instead, I try to let my thoughts about it known to whoever I'm around or living with, this has helped keep it at a minimum for me.

    One more thing I don't like is people who find it so easy to curse with words. It is one thing I find very hard to do and I'm not sure it was part of my home training because dad did say a lot of those kind of words sometimes. I just grew up to not like saying them and so, I hate it when people say it like it's normal.

    The fact that these words hurt people whether majorly or minimally, I feel people should be much mindful of what they say when they are angry. I could say words that are hurtful when I'm angry but I'll never curse with words like "You are mad", "You look foolish" and more like that which many don't see anything wrong in saying them.

    These are the few I remember now and I'll stop here. The main point is, I am trying my best to live fine even with these pet peeves and for the ones that does me more good than harm, I keep them no matter what.

    Pet peeves become bad to an individual when they let it cloud their reasoning for judgement or decision making, I try my best to avoid that. So I guess mine aren't Phobia after all, they are just my pet peeves hehe.

    This is my entry to the May Inleo Prompt Challenge with the focus on "Phobias, Mental Disorders, Pet Peeves". Don't know what to write on Hive today? You're invited to participate.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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