Card Highlights #23: Baron Fyatt and the Baron's Bounty Event

in voilk •  3 months ago


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    Card Highlights #23: Baron Fyatt

    Greed is not always a vice. It can be an asset, a driving force that pushes us to greater heights. After all, what would this world be without those who dared to desire more?
    by Lord Vaernar, The Cult of Ambition

    To commemorate the halving event, Splinterlands will be holding an even named Baron's Bounty. During this event, players can buy limited edition promo-specific cards named, "Baron Fyatt" and "Henchling Enforcer." Each purchase will have corresponding points awarded for extra rewards.

    Both of these units will not be found in packs and can only be bourght through other players after the event.

    Baron Fyatt costs 31250 DEC while Henchling Enforcer costs 3125 DEC each. You can reduce their price by up to half by using Voucher tokens. The cost is meant to commemorate the new Bitcoin block reward after the halving of 3.125 BTC.

    Baron Fyatt

    Baron Fyatt is a legendary unit with element Fire and Death. It has decent stats but not enough to be used as a tank. Baron Fyatt has strong abilities with the combination of Halving and Scattershot abilities.

    Henchling Enforcer

    Henchling Enforcer is a rare unit with elements Water and Life. It has zmazing stats at high level reaching a range attack of 4 at max level. Henchling Enforcer also has Halving and Camouflage making it strong combination to make sure the enemy's front line deals half damage all the time.


    For each DEC spent, players will get points. For every 10,000 points or 10k DEC spent, close to $8, that player can get a chance to gain rewards:

    500 PLOT tokens
    100 Alpha packs
    250 Beta packs
    500 Untamed Packs
    50 Essence Orb Packs
    100 Azmare Dice Packs
    20 Runi NFTs

    Players gain 1 rewards for every 10 000 points. The rewards will be random. There would also be leaderboards on the event that would be given in-game titles:

    1-10 - "The Burninator" Legendary Title
    11-60 - "The Incinerator" Epic Title
    61-200 - "The Scorcher" Rare Title

    In addition to the title, the top 20 will receive extra cards in addition to the ones they purchased:

    Now, let's check if Baron Fyatt is really worth getting to add to your builds as we test him in a battle.


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    This rebellion is getting out of hand, but Baron Fyatt, Lord High Treasurer in charge of the Chaos Empire’s fiscal policies, has a plan: a 50% tax levied against all sales, income, and net worth.
    Taxes collected in native coinages are to be melted down and reminted as Chaos marks. With less coins like the Gloridax auro and Anumian crown in circulation, their value will plummet. The rebels and their sympathizers will find themselves unable to fund their little uprising, and it will fizzle out in no time. The baron will be hailed a hero.

    For full lore of this card, visit this website:


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    Buy and Rental Costs

    On the event, Baron Fyatt costs 31250 DEC. Assuming the ratio is 1200 DEC to $1, this means you can buy Baron Fyatt in the market for 14 640 DEC per copy. While this looks cheaper, if you have vouchers that can reduce Baron Fyatt's price to half, I suggest buying it in the event instead since at 31250 DEC, you can get additional rewards unlike in the market where you only would get the card.

    To try this unit, I tried renting it instead. I was expecting a summoner instead of a unit so I didn't buy it. I was satisfied with the price though even though it's a bit pricey for a level 1 rental but it's understandable since it's a new release.


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    Card Stats

    Baron Fyatt has decent health but really low damage and speed. The one that makes it a good unit is the Halving and Scattershot combination. Otherwise, I don't suggest getting it.


    Card Effects

    Each time this Unit hits a target, the target's attack is cut in half (rounded down)

    One of the strongest ability in the game since it can half all the attacks whether it's melee, range or magic.

    This Unit's attacks hit a random enemy target

    Good combination with abilities like Halving, Affliction, Poison and Stun since you can apply the effects of these abilities to different enemy units at the same time.

    Units with this ability start combat before the first round of the battle even starts!

    Good combination with Halving since this can make your enemy's attack halved before the battle event starts. If you luckily affected a unit with Recharge, it would greatly decrease their damage.

    All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have an increased chance of missing their target.

    Good support ability but it does not complement Baron Fyatt specifically. I think they added this ability for the lore, as in Baron Fyatt takes a blind eye for the corruption in the kingdom.


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    Strengths & Weaknesses

    Combination of Halving and Scattershot can halve your enemy's attacks for the different units at the same time during the battle. This can give you very big advantage like what you would see in this battle example below.

    The two weakness I see from Baron Fyatt is the high mana required and low damage. Since he needs higher mana to be used, you have to sacrifice a lot more in your builds. Since he has low attack, you also need to make up for this with the other units.


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    When To Use

    Keep Your Distance
    Units with Melee attack may not be used in battles.

    Most units with Sneak are melee or have melee attacks and will not be usable. This can give you better chances of your Baron Fyatt not dying early when placed at the back.

    Reverse Speed
    Units with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

    Baron Fyatt has low speed. At Reverse Speed Rule set, this is good as it can attack earlier and apply Halving earlier before enemies attack reducing their damage by half when they attack.

    Fog of War
    Units lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities.

    Scattershot is not affected by Fog of War, only Sneak, Opportunity and Snipe are affected.


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    When Not To Use

    Non-flying Units take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

    Baron Fyatt has no Flying ability and will take damage each round. While it's okay for 1-2 rounds, it will be worse after a few more rounds.

    Noxious Fumes
    All Units start the battle Poisoned.

    Not only Baron Fyatt will be affected and will die from Poison but your enemies would also have Cleanse with their units. This is also bad because your enemies would have Cleanse that also removes Halving effect.

    Target Practice
    All Ranged and Magic attack Units have the Snipe ability.

    Scattershot takes priority so Baron Fyatt will not be using Snipe and still uses Scattershot when attacking enemies. In other words, the rule set is useless for Baron Fyatt.


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    Battle Sample

    This was a hard battle, actually but the combination of Silence and Halving gave me a lot of breathing room. If not for those two combinations, I am sure that I would've lost this game. While it looked like it wasn't a close battle, my enemy actually has a higher chance to win this battle due to his higher overall damage and combination of magic and range attacks. I simply win because of the help of those two abilities that reduced the enemy's damage to a controllable amount.


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    Final Thoughts

    I wanted to try Henchling Enforcer as well but I am currently on a delicate grind for another content. I will just leave that for a future blog.

    For the battle, I actually had three battles using Baron Fyatt. I only added this one because the other two are losses. It's not that I lost because the team was bad, (might be copium) but the rule set was not in my favor which made the game extra hard. Over all, I do like this unit. Baron Fyatt is a much better unit than Halfling Alchemist or Henchling Enforcer due to the Scattershot and Halving combination. The combination of the two abilities allowed my unit to halve multiple unit's damage throughout the game at the same time making it a very strong ability overall.

    Overall, I really like the new added units in the game. I was thinking they would add a summoner that gives Halving ability to units but that might be too strong. I also regret a bit not preparing for the halving event although this was expected a month ago. I suddenly had the urge to explore the different unit's potential and how much I can get when I take this game really seriously. (It went great and I am currently doing an article for that. Wait and see for next week's post and you might be surprised.)

    This was a good experience and a good event. This looks like really well thought and I like the concept of the price. There is one tiny negative comment I would say and I would be quoting @jarvie for this, "Not too late to change their names ... at least of the second card... though weird a "fyatt" guy is in charge of the crypto event. "Baron Satoshi" and "Halfling Enforcer" ... i mean a quick use of AI could find a dozen more clever names that people would look forward to getter."

    I was hoping they actually made this into an archetype instead like the Silvershields. I mean, we already have the "Halfling Alchemist" it wouldn't be weird to have a "Halfling Merchant" and "Halfling Enforcer" and the different people in the Halfling Kingdom as the representatives of the current and future the Halving Event.


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    If you have suggested combos or questions, feel free to comment it down below.

    If you are planning to play and is inspired by my post, please consider using my referral link:

    I do not own any of the photos in this post. All credits goes to:

    • Splinterlands
    • Peakmonsters
    • Canva
    • Giphy

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