Dads, Boyfriends - A Never Ending Story

in voilk •  5 months ago


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    It is not secret that most boyfriends do not see eye to eye with their girlfriend’s dads. I say most because there are a few exceptions. From what I have observed, these exceptions are mostly because the dads already know the boyfriends. These boyfriends are probably boys that they have seen grow up in the neighborhood.

    Why do fathers at first do not approve or do not like their daughter’s boyfriends? Daughters are closer to their fathers and most of the time are able to convince their fathers to do things sons cannot. But that is not the case when it comes to approving of their boyfriends. Fathers are very protective of their girls and men in general. That is why even brothers do not like to see their sisters dating.


    You'll always be daddy's little girl

    Though brothers do not like it and mostly do not approve, they are easily bought or convinced unlike the fathers. Do a few nice things for your girlfriend’s brother or with him and he’ll forget he doesn’t like you but you cannot do same with fathers. Fathers are men and always think of the worst. Every father wants the best for their daughter and ideally do not want to see their daughters choose the wrong partners.

    A father wants for his daughter, a responsible man, one who can take care of his daughter’s needs and provide her all she wants and of course love her. And mind you that to fathers, no man probably ever deserves their daughters. They just finally settle on the one you marry because that is who you have chosen and efforts to drive them away have not proven effective.

    Have you noticed that boys do not like it when their friends date their very close female friends or sisters? Yes, it is because we know what goes on in the head of guys and though it not always the case, we prepare ourselves for that. No guy wants to see his sister, daughter or very close female friend get hurt by a guy especially one they know.


    We know in this day and age women do not need the approval of anyone to date who they want but that will not stop us guys from being concerned about them. That is why when your daughter or sister is young, you drive all her boyfriends away till she finally comes off age and no longer listens to you. It’s no surprise @nhaji01’s dad called her boyfriend to warn him when she was just 14 years old. Nhaji still has to explain to me why she started dating at the age of 14 hehe. @merit.ahama and @abenad bring your boyfriends for me to vet before February 14th haha.

    Getting back to the topic why fathers do not approve of boyfriends at first, I believe it is just the natural instinct of protection that causes this. Fathers want to protect their kids from all the negative things of this world for as long as possible. In my opinion, I do not think fathers are even ever cool with who their daughters end up with. They just have to let go and trust the choice of their daughters while also hoping the men do not screw up.


    All father's want is to walk their daughter's down the ailse

    The father – boyfriend war is one that is not going to end anytime soon so ladies prepare yourselves and prepare for your fathers and brothers to keep rejecting your boyfriends.

    So, men and women, why do you think this happens and will you dislike your daughter’s boyfriends? I know I will.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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