Being Brave as our shadow

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello guy
    Feels good to be here, happy Sunday everyone ❤️

    Without light there won't be reflection of either our shadow or any object. Nobody loves to dwell in the dark, because we tend not to see anything, but most of the times that is what happens to most of us, we become a shadow of ourselves, and mostly shadow of our past. As it only takes the light to see, it also takes our self discovery, and self development to eradicate any form of darkness to come into light.

    Thus being the shadow of ourselves refers to the negative and positive traits that either help to build us or stand to diminish our growth either by personality traits, emotions, or thoughts that are difficult to accept.
    As far as we cannot be taller than our shadow, it only takes us to overcome some issues that brings about us being the shadow of ourselves and it entails bringing the unconscious to consciousness, thus integrating the shadow takes effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of our personality as present and real, then actions is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.

    Our shadow holds the keys to our greatest power, so by accepting and working with it, we can thrive and flourish. But on the other hand, if we ignore it, it often rebounds and our external circumstances start to mirror the darkness that we were trying to avoid.
    Our shadow self is there for a reason, because it contains the deepest and hardest lessons that we must learn and be healed from, but the more we confront and shine light on the more we overcome our dark parts and moments.

    To overcome most of these darkest times, we must be self actualization. self-actualization is a person is one who is whole, and wholeness can only be achieved by integrating the light with the dark.
    It is necessary that we integrate our shadow self with the light in order to attain wholeness which is done by adjusting our behavior to gratify our needs and learned to adapt to the external world.

    learning to embrace our shadow self, can live a more balanced life. Also we should ever be afraid of our shadow, also be show be as strong as our shadow.

    Thank you for reading through ♥️
    Still remain @pricelessudy

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