It's Finally Halvening

in voilk •  3 months ago



    It's finally happening. The BTC halving is coming in a few days and Splinterlands is doing a promo event. The details were released four days ago. I won't be going through the details as you can check out the Splinterlands post for that. I will be sharing my thoughts on the two promos cards as well as my decision on whether I want to buy the promo cards or not.


    Baron Fyatt


    The first promo card is Baron Fyatt which is a 5 mana legendary magic dual fire/death element unit. This card will be priced at 31,250 DEC/Credits. Honestly, I hope they buff this card. I don't think it's worth maxing out just to get the blind. Anybody that is buying this card should be fine with a lvl 3 one for competitive play. If the person just has the money, then they can max it as well. I also don't really like how this card has scattershot. You're pretty much praying that Baron will hit a unit with good dps. The card is also sitting awkwardly at 5 mana. I feel for the 2 damage it should be at least 4 mana but I guess putting it at 5 mana would give it a chance in odd ones out ruleset where Dr blight couldn't be played.


    Henchling Enforcer


    In my opinion, Henchling Enforcer is definitely better than the legendary card. It's a 6 mana ranged dual element water and life dual element unit. This card can be bought at 3125 DEC/Credits which is pretty expensive for a rare card. It also features the halving ability. This card in my opinion needs to be maxed for that extra damage. I guess it could also be good at level 4 if you didn't want to spend to max it out. I could see this card being useful in even stevens, close range and going the distance rulesets. Other than that, I can't really see many other use cases for this unit but I could be wrong. We will just have to see on the 16th once some people start buying it.


    My Plans

    I will not be participating in this promo event. Honestly, I'm a bit sad that the cards I've bought the past few months have depreciated a lot. I feel that these promo cards will also lose their value. Not only that but I just don't think the cards are good enough to warrant their cost to purchase. If they decide to buff the cards before the release, I may consider buying a few copies. If I do, then I will also be praying that I get a runi from the raffle prizes.


    Thank You

    Thank you for reading and supporting me. Are you going to participate in buying the promo cards? What do you think of these two promo cards?

    Referral Link
    If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referral link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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