Going to heaven: Is it a destiny?

in voilk •  4 months ago


    [Going to heaven: Is it a destiny? (Part 2 of 6) MCGI Topic Review


    Interesting teaching on part 2 of the caption, "Going to Heaven: Is It a Destiny?" The teaching from Brother Eli Soriano has made it clear for us to understand a lot by surrounding this caption. Hence, on that note, I will explain as much as I have understood from this part of the teaching, which is morally inclined towards the word of God.

    Hence, there is every need for us to understand that when you are chosen by God, you are bound to be imprudent, and as much as you are not careful in what you do, you are also bound to make a series of mistakes by not keeping or obeying the word of God, inasmuch as it is known to everyone that whenever such happens, such a person is prone to having bad experiences.

    So therefore, in Matthew 7:21, let us understand that not actually every one that speaks of the Lord is really in depth with the words and with the true moral that leads to heaven; hence, not all of them are mainly to take part in the kingdom of God. This verse has let us understand that when we are bound by the word of God, we are of main to be in love like those that are mainly in heaven through the word of God.

    Galatians 1:13–15 let us understand that the Apostle Paul was already ordained to be servants of God right from the work of his mother, which implies that he has already been called to reach out and win more souls for Christ despite his initial controversy over the Christians; hence, this has to tell us that everyone is called to do the work of God, but some are still not doing what it takes to do what pleases God.

    Hence Hebrew 7:9 backs up the previous scriptural quotation where he let us understand that some people are called and destine for some position where it was known to us that Abraham is in line to receive the tithe as align with Levi lineage which tells us that some position is called and position in accordance to God's instructions.

    The same thing plays out in the book of Jeremiah 1:5, where the Bible lets us understand that before Jeremiah was formed in the belly, he was already ordained, as he was regarded as the prophet unto all nations, and the same is thing with John the Baptist, as it was noted in the book of Luke 1:15, where it lets us understand that John is main to be filled with the holy Ghost right from his mother's womb, telling us how God has called some of us with different purpose that still align with his words.

    1 Corinthians 9:27 Let us understand that even when God has chosen you and you are not living the life that glorifies God and doing what the Bible says, there is always a possibility that you are going to miss the kingdom of God, which was the main for all that meet the requirements and the assignment that we are sent here on earth to do.

    Matthew 7:21; Galatians 1:13–15 Hebrew 7:9; Luke 1:15
    1 Corinthians 9:27



    ● Matthew 7:21 Enlighten us on the importance of having a genuine faith that is worthy to be relied upon with the word of God; hence, we are as much enlightened to be part of the genuine faith.

    ● Galatians 1:13-15 This part of the scripture enlightens us to understand how God changes anyone through his transformative power, meaning that he can do all things just if we obey the word of God.

    ● Hebrews 7:9 teaches us that we are mainly to honor God with what we have and to appreciate and acknowledge what he has done in our various lives, which is what we ought to do.

    ● Luke 1:15 This part of the scripture addresses the fact that we are mainly to live our lives in line with the doctrine of Christ, in order to fulfill our faith, as we also reach out to more people with our good approach.

    ● 1 Corinthians 9:27 reminds us that as believers, we are obligated to remain in faith and steadfast faith in the word of God as we keep and reserve our faith through what we do in line with what God wants from us as believers.


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