in voilk •  4 months ago

    Allergies are physical reactions to incompatibilities with an environment l, food , medicine ,etc. Allergies are mostly due to genetic, medical conditions. Allergies go from mild symptoms like rash , swells , etc , but some can be very severe and even life-threatening if not properly managed.

    Allergies affect millions of people, some have found a way to conveniently manage theirs while others are literally struggling and suffering. We will be going over some ways to mitigate against the effects of these allergies and reduce its effect and severity.

    These allergies do not just happen, they are caused or most accurately , triggered. Lets’s consider this example : Say someone develops sore-throat/rash whenever they eat potatoes. So that means they are all good until they eat potatoes so a way to overcome allergic reactions , indeed , is to first identify what triggers the reaction.

    Medications such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs related to chemotherapy could cause allergic reactions. Certain foods can trigger allergic reactions. Some persons, due to these reactions, do not take certain foods and these foods have been noticed to be allergens for those particular persons. Pollen grains from flowers , trees , and plants can also be allergens to some persons and can be very uncomfortable for some trigger allergic reactions when they land on their skins or even from the scent . some persons might have rash or even throw up.


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    Mold is also a trigger fir allergic reaction foor some people too. Mould is found in damp areas ; walls bathrooms , gardens , etc. They can cause allergic reactions on touch or from inhaling. Insect stings are also known to cause allergic reactions. For instance , a honeybee sting on the eye area could cause a persons eye to swell etc.

    Managing Allergic reactions

    This involves the use of drugs and other medications to treat the allergic reactions caused by allergens. There are medications like decongestants, nasal corticosteroids, and eye drops , which helps to relieve the symptoms of allergies like sneezing , itching , congestion, and watery eyes. Sometimes epinephrine injections may be prescribed.
    This is what most people do. When they detect causes of their allergic reactions or allergens , they simply abstain from eating or coming in contact ; depending on the nature of the allergens.

    We could see from the above that allergic reactions are caused by allergens. These reactions could be mild ; watery eyes , sneezing , itches or it could be severe ; coughs , sore throats , sores , or even cause organ failure and death. These reactions can be managed by medications and abstinence ; which is simply identifying ones triggers and avoiding them altogether.

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