My First Bicycle Experience | Memories Will Live On

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Gone were the days when I never have the dream of riding a bicycle or even owning one, school was far and we do take bike so what is need of owning a bicycle or telling my dad to get us some, that was the statement I always use to console myself anytime that thought pop up. At times, I'm always jealous anytime some of my class make come to school with their bicycle and they always feel too big to allow someone one ride, moreover I just want one even though I don't know how to ride it unlike my brother. It felt as if God want to answer our prayers, bicycle renting business suddenly surge up and my dad decide to join the business by getting 6 bicycles for the renting business.

    I was really happy when he told us and paid for the bicycles, within me, I knew the time to learn how to ride is here, he came home with the bicycles and also a wall clock, children will come to rent the bicycles and we will give them time limit since we charge per minutes. Anytime dad isn't around, I will call a friend of mine over so he can teach me, the teaching experience was a bad one, I thought he will be gentle with me but it was the other way round. We sneak a bicycle to one of the school near our area and as my tutor he told me to sit down so he can push me around while I control the wheel, we did it for some minutes while I try to get hold of the whole bicycle situation yet the some part of the place was sloppy. I actually did it successfully and I was happy with the new achievement so I told him I want to try it again for the last time on my own.


    Like my mom use to say, "Too much joy kill at times", I was happy I could figure it out and didn't know when I went down the sloppy area mistakenly and I lost control, I shouted for help because I forgot bicycle even had breaks, the rate at which I fell after colliding with a wall. For some minutes, I don't know what was going on but I didn't see stars, my friend rush to pick me up but I sustain some injury in some area i can't even mention due to the bicycle sit and also on my leg, I had to walk home with the bicycle while my friend followed me, when I got home, I had to pretend I'm alright because if my dad detect something is wrong with me, I will have to give him 10 reason why he shouldn't beat me that day but I didn't touch any bicycle for 2 weeks because I was scared of falling off again.

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