Working In The Dark

in voilk •  7 days ago


    I'm up at 5 a.m, it's too early for breakfast, so I drink some water, wash my face and I'm on my way to work. With the full moon, it's not really that dark, but it is quiet, very quiet. At 5:20 a..m, I'm walking up the road. Not even the dogs are awake, there is no barking this early in the morning. So I enjoy the peace, something I struggle to find these days, as my life is so busy and full. I think back to my late teens and early twenties, when I had to rise this early for work, I really struggled to get myself out of bed in the morning. It felt like such a chore. Then having to use public transport, my life was so different back then.


    Now, I am the only one up at this time and I don't struggle to get out of bed, I actually look forward to it. 5:30 to 7:30 a.m, is the acequia rights for the land that I am looking after. Yes it is only a 10 minute walk away. Everyone who owns land here, pays for acequia rights, so that they can water their land. It runs along the outside of the land, and there are small gates that you open and close, to direct the water onto your land. The land I am taking care of, has three separate gates from the outside, directing water to three different parts of the land. Then there are more gates within the land, which helps navigate the water, so that most of the land can be flooded. You can see one, in the picture up above. I use a pipe to help direct the water to parts of the land that are a bit hard to reach.


    I don't hear any traffic until at least 7 a.m, which gives me an hour and a half of silence, aside from the sound of the water coming onto the land which I do enjoy listening too. This is my favourite type of work, out on the land, by myself. Checking on the trees and plants, to make sure they are all getting as much water as they need. I also do a little bit of pruning and then stop under the Mulberry Tree, for some breakfast. Yes indeed, I get to eat fresh berries, straight from the tree and they are delicious. Mulberries are definitely one of my favourite berries and the tree is always so inviting, the berries so easy to reach. I get my fill and end up with red hands, making me look like I have just escaped a crime scene. Then I'm off, to close one gate and open another further down. Just as the sun starts to rise.


    I am living a completely different life now, one where I find myself conversing with the trees and the insects that gather round me as I walk the land. This lifestyle suits me. The pace suits me. I never feel like I need to rush, I take my time and everything that needs to get done, gets done. The two hours don't fly past and they are not slow in pasting either. I check the time only once, because I don't want to take more water than is designated for the land. But when I check it is always close to 7:30, I have become used to reading the time, by observing the environment around me. It feels so good to live with a more natural rhythm. To let myself slow down and not be tied up in a more fast pace of living. At the end of the day, it is all about the simple things in life.

    All photos used, are mine and where taken this morning as I worked.

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