I reached the age when they tell you: “you look very good for your age”, that is to say, age is serious, my friends, I am not lying to you. I'm 39 years old and June I'm 40. I won't lie to you, I feel insecure about my age, about my sentimental and social status at this point. I just imagine being in a completely different place at this age.
Anyway, that's not the point, that's for another weekend.
The truth is that although I am not bad, being modest, there are things that I would like to improve, that I feel do not make me look so good or radiant. And what I have never complained about and what I consider to be the most beautiful thing I have, I always say and I will always say that they are my eyes.
I love their color, they are like honey, brownish on other days and if I am very angry they draw green lines. And they could have been better, when I was a little girl until I was two years old my eyes were blue, my mom used to dress me in that color so they would be more noticeable, there are some pictures out there that show it. For some reason they changed and my hair changed too, but even though they are not blue, I like them a lot.
Very few people have complimented me on anything specific about my physical attributes, and those that have very few have focused on my looks.
The attribute that I've noticed that guys have noticed is my legs, which I don't consider to be pretty per se, but they are quite striking.
Maybe it's the color of my skin, or as my friends say, you don't have cellulite, you don't have stretch marks, they are smooth for the age you are.
My legs is something that is sometimes a topic of conversation between men and women, it's not something that boosts my ego, maybe because I don't feel that way, but hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you can't argue against that.
My beauty may not be all in the packaging, my parents made me relatively pretty, statistically not so ugly that no one wants to date me and not so pretty that everyone wants to use me. So it's okay.
I like them to be with me because they like me in my essence, all introverted when I don't know anyone, extroverted when I enter into confidence, helpful and jealous, spoiled and loving, like me when I feel cold to hug, and don't judge me when I cry when I watch a movie.
My eyes, my legs are fine, but my heart is so much better, once you get in there, you know what it is to love and what loyalty is.
Deepl Translator
Photos of my property Zte Blade V50

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