A misty Sunday morning.

in voilk •  12 days ago

    The wind was coming in from the west across the Atlantic ocean.

    And of course, the mountains turned a whiter shade of pale from the cold mist.

    "Communication with pictures" was the logo of George Eastman, the founder of the Kodak camera empire.

    I found that logo so true, as my own style on my blog here on Hive, is also to communicate with pictures. Someone said that every picture can tell a thousand stories, and I think it meant that you and I, and a thousand others will read a story of the same picture differently. Why? Simply because we are all different, and our thoughts are also different.
    Be that as it may, I have found that pictures, especially quality pictures, seem to satisfy many people, and when I look at the replies it tells me that the correspondents view the pictures in their own ways, by their descriptions of them.

    Some low clouds also hung around at ground level.

    And later there was a bigger cloud buildup.

    Later in the day, things became a bit clearer but not by much.

    Even the moon seemed to be a bit pale.

    Two shots below also of some changes in the cloud cover.


    So, we took a drive down towards the sea, and you can see how the mist was driven inland on the mountains in the background of the picture.

    At sunset we only had this one little cloud of note.

    If things turn out "normal", then the next few days will also be misty, but the wind can change direction at the blink of an eye and then the sun will be set free to scorch the land again. We had a few very hot days here recently, and we see the mist as a cool blessing. It is no fun to get into bed on a hot and sweltering night, as sleep becomes almost impossible. We are now in the early stages of March, and we are waiting for the 20th of March, as then the Autumn Equinox will appear. Then, we will step into the start of Autumn (Fall), while all of the Northern Hemisphere will step into the Spring season. And so, we look forward to the cooler days as we certainly have had enough of the blazing African sun.
    Such is life.

    I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

    Photos by Zac Smith. All-Rights-Reserved.

    Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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