in voilk •  3 months ago

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    You know, it is very funny how we humans exist in different forms. I am sure there are times you have sworn that humans are just very horrible, because the fact is, we humans can be. The beautiful thing is now that we can also be kind and empathetic as well and the things we do will move so much hearts. In my life, I have met unkind and really horrible people, but I have also met very sweet souls that proves that humanity still exists and our planet isn't completely corrupted.

    Sometimes, when I go through trying times in my life, I do believe that maybe I am going through it to know how it feela and someone else in the future because I will be able to understand what they are going through. For instance, I have undergone a surgery before to remove a breast lump which fortunately turned out to be non-cancerous. If I had the chance, I would love to be a part of a program that runs a female awarenes scheme and I wouldn't hesitate to help people undergo tests and surgeries, if needed.

    I have once shared the full story about how this whole lump thing went but this is the part I never mentioned. I was meant to do my first surgery at a government hospital at a discounted price, due to the fact that I was a student. The date I was scheduled to come was quite far, and this hospital do get a lot of patients. My parents told me to come home and just do it at a private hospital to make it faster. We actually spent a lot on the surgery, redressing, drugs, and all the other things. That period went and everything was okay.

    Until another time, about a year or two years after, when I discovered that the lump grew again. I was super scared and I thought it was maybe cancer, lol. I couldn't do this surgery on time because the family was financially struggling at the time and I didn't even want to bother them much, so I told them I was not sure about the whole thing😂. I had this friend that we used to have real and deep conversations whenever we saw and I just mentioned it casually; my fears. This person insisted that I go to the hospital to do the surgery immediately and he gave me the cash I needed for the surgery.

    I didn't expect it at all and I was super grateful to this friend of mine. I went to do the surgery and lo and behold people, the lump removed were bigger than the ones from the first time. I was so scared and I inisisted that it should be tested. The result came back to be fibroadenoma, a common breast tumor that occurs in young females that is non-cancerous.

    Thanks for reading❤️

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