Feedback regarding inleo performance in the Month of March

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Hive

    It has been my greatest pleasure to get back on track again in the leofinance community through the #marchinleo monthly prompt which I stumbled upon some few days ago.
    It has been almost a year since I got frustrated and left the community because of several reasons. The creation of the new interface that needed so much attention and repair
    While I was invited to partake in the new quest, one of the first questions I had asked was if the interface is not easy to use compared to what it was before.

    For a feedback regarding inleo performance for the month of March I have this to say.

    • The Login options are quite better and easier to handle now.
      Using hive keychain I have no challenge accessing my page in a split seconds. Also accessing the page via Chrome and other browser is quite easier as well.
      I also noticed that the option for the addition of our active key was removed.
      I have typed this blog from a chrome browser just to try this function and posting of blogs using other browser outside of keychain.

    Hence I can say that the mobile access of #inleo and #thread is easy and efficient.


    Monetary transaction were quite easier with that option available. I can remember carrying out some power up activities and others using the leofinance interface in the past. That shouldn't be left behind in this case as well.

    • A great deal of improvement in the keyboard access and typing
      This is one of my greatest Joy to see that it is now much easier to create threads with a typing challenge. Before now the keyboards are hyperactive often going ten times faster to type a thing different from what is intended. This gots me frustrated because attempting to delete the series of mistakes makes things worst.

    One can use the whole of 15mins to type a thread that is not longer than 250words. This was the part that sent me off from thread 🧵.
    With the quality of improvement now I have this to advice users

    "While trying to type and make a thread give it as much patience and lesser typing speed it avoids the occasion of multiple repetition of letters or words. Pending the type this will completely clear out, typing at a slower pace reduces error"

    Here is a typical example of such, I started typing this thread at a slower pace and would have had this done with no error but the moment I increased some speed you can see the resulting mistake in the last statement.


    Alot of improvement has gone in here in the interface and I am happy to be back and active on thread and leofinance community general. If you have experienced this issues before and have left for similar reasons now is the time to get back threading again and also invite your friends and more new users

    All images are my screenshot.

    This is my response to the marchinleo monthly prompt and I will like you to come and join in the fun of microblogging on hive and inleo frontend.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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