Sing To Me

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Sing to me,
    The truth of what lies beneath the rubble of your youth,
    The pain that penetrates into the deepest parts, of who you are.

    Sing to me,
    The grief that ties you to your trauma,
    So that I can understand, this route that you take,
    The darkness of your actions,
    Casting shadows, over all who try to reach you.

    Sing to me
    Of long forgotten dreams,
    Dreams that at one time, allowed you to believe in hope,
    That released you from this torture.

    Sing to me,
    Your ancestral suffering, that weights you down,
    That causes you to trip,
    whenever you try to rise.

    Sing to me,
    All those things that tie you to your humanity,
    For I find myself buried beneath your actions.

    I find myself trying to make sense of what is happening in the world right now. Trying to understand the amount of violence that is occurring in Palestine. Seeing innocent people suffer and nothing is being done to help them. How can we still be allowing these war crimes to happen. Why must we repeat and repeat. When will we learn, so that we do better. So many questions, so much unjustified. So much anger and sadness. Trying to understand, how one human, can treat another so bad. Where is their humanity?



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