[ESP/ENG]Problema con el carburador_carburetor problem

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Saludos queridos amigos de la comunidad de #gems hoy en mi trabajo me trageron una moto con un problema que andaba nada, aceleraba y no salia.

    Greetings, dear friends of the #gems community, today at work I received a motorcycle with a problem that was running at all, accelerating and not leaving.


    Lo primero que hice fue sacar el carburador lo limpie todo y volvi a arma pero al prenderla estaba igual no aceleraba esto me hizo pensar que de repente como el cheque es automatico se podia haber quedado pegado.

    The first thing I did was take out the carburetor, clean it all and restart the gun, but when I turned it on it was the same, it didn't accelerate. This made me think that suddenly, since the check is automatic, it could have gotten stuck.


    Al sacar el choque y revisarlo efectivamente el choque no tapaba el aguejo que tenia que tapa porque se habia quedado pegado.

    When I removed the shock and actually checked it, the shock did not cover the hole that it was supposed to cover because it had gotten stuck.


    Lo que hice fue que lo acomode y volvi a montar al enceder la moto ya aceleraba muy bien.

    What I did was adjust it and get back on the bike. When I started the bike it was accelerating very well.


    Espero les guste y me sigan apoyando muchas gracias por leer.

    I hope you like it and continue supporting me, thank you very much for reading.

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