Splinterlands Art Contest Week 279 | Kobold Miner

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Design created by me in Photoshop

    Hello again people of the community, today I come to share an illustration that I have taken me a long time to make, since I started it since June 2023 and just now is that I publish it, because when I started the illustration, I made many pauses, because sometimes I had other things, either some work or other reason, then I stopped, I have been wanting to participate in one of these weekly contests of @Splinterlands, and today I finally have the pleasure of being able to participate, for the realization of this I used the software Photoshop CS6, thanks for seeing my post and I hope you enjoy it.



    For the realization of this illustration, at first I did not know which character to start with, I saw many characters, but in the end the one that caught my attention was this curious and particular character (Kobold Miner) which I read a little and I understood that they are elves experts in finding and extracting strange precious stones, which gave me an idea to draw this one extracting a stone or breaking the earth to look for a diamond, so that was my first sketch, I made several lines on the canvas to shape this character, and give it a faithful appearance to the original illustration, without losing the essence of this one.



    To start create the main layer with the silhouette of the character, then on top of it create other more capable layers placing them as a clipping mask, dividing each one in respective order, the first would be for the lines, the second the color of the skin of the character, the third the candle, then the pants, scarf, gloves and so on dividing each layer in each element that has the character, as for the background make a couple of lines as a guide, trying to make the impression that the character is in a tunnel.





    As we can see the illustration comes to life as the colors are applied, I have used the original colors that the character has, but mixed with the brown base color that I applied in the silhouette of the character.


    In this part I started to put the lighter shades of the scarf on the character, I also started to paint the earrings, and apply shadow on the gloves and pants.


    Already with most of the character painted, the candle for me was one of the characteristic elements that stand out the most in this character, so I tried my best to give it that feeling of warmth and luminosity, I also thought about how that light would be reflected in the other parts of the body that I could reach, however, I would do that later, since the next thing would be the background of the character.




    Here you can start to see how the background has a more rocky or earthy texture, we can also see the incorporation of the dark red color as a base for the diamonds. I also begin to apply the light of the candle in the parts of the body that will be reflected, however, I will intensify the light a little more as I progress, as there are still other elements to complete, such as the buckle of the hat strap, and the handle of the pick to which I will try to make a wooden texture.


    Vectorization Completed


    Once the illustration was completed, as for my perspective I applied a little more light and shadow, to try to give more brightness to the candle, and the areas where the light did not reach darken a little more, and also to bounce the light of the candle with the brightness of the diamonds, however, I must emphasize that I am still learning and trying to develop my skills in this area, but I must say that the result pleases me and at least with each practice I can say that I gain experience so that gratifies me a lot, knowing that the result is very pleasing, I must emphasize that I am still learning and trying to develop my skills in this area, but I must say that the result pleases me and at least with each practice I can say that I gain experience so that gratifies me a lot, knowing that I can do better with each design and work, thank you very much for taking the time to read my post and have a great day.


    Thanks for reading my post!

    If you like my work, your support would mean a lot!
    If you want to see some of my work visit my instagram

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