The pleasure of eating together

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Eating feels delicious when there is togetherness, even though the menu served is simple, it tastes delicious when accompanied by laughter when gathered together.
    The conversation was exciting even though it sometimes drifted off, making the time seem meaningful.

    Not many moments together are created, because each person has their own place, busyness makes it difficult to present them.

    If there is an opportunity to be together, don't ignore it by being busy with your relatives. Because it creates silence in the crowd


    Makan terasa nikmat saat kebersamaan ada, walau menu yang terhidang itu sederhana, namun terasa lezat jika diiringi derai tawa saat kumpul bersama.
    Percakapan yang seru walau kadang ngalur ngidul membuat waktu seolah terasa bermakna.

    Tak banyak momen bersama itu tercipta, karena masing masing orang memiliki tempatnya sendiri, kesibukan membuatnya sulit untuk menghadirkan nya.

    Jika ada kesempatan kebersamaan, maka jangan abaikan dengan kesibukan sendiri ditengah kerabat. Karena itu membuat kesunyian dalam keramaian

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