Fab Four: Weekly Battle Mage Secrets

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    • Up to four Units can be used.

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    Hello SPL family

    Another week, another set of Battle Mage secrets. This week's highlighted ruleset is Fab Four. Fab Four is a ruleset where only up to four units can be used on the battlefield. In this ruleset, it's particularly challenging, especially when the ruleset is extensive, so I believe that when you need a large amount of mana, you should use monsters with high damage and health because you can only use four in the battle, but this still depends on the accompanying ruleset. When it's low mana, it's almost like regular battles because we usually only use four monsters, so it's not too challenging to decide which monsters to use.

    Like in the battle I'm sharing, it's low mana, and at the same time, one of the rulesets included is Little League, so it's not too difficult to decide which monsters to use. The battle I'm sharing is from the current brawl happening, where one of the rulesets is Fab Four. Because one of the rulesets is "keep the distance," my strategy was a defense against magic and ranged attackers. Let's see how I won this battle.


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    The battle condition is 15 mana caps The elements that you can not use are fire, water, life, and earth. The rulesets are little league, keep your distance, and fab four.


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    Because one of the rulesets is "Keep Your Distance" and my strategy is defense, I chose Ilthain as my summoner for this battle. Ilthain provides +1 speed and the return fire ability to all units. For the 1st position, I selected Pelacor Conjurer, a no-attack monster with flying and magic reflect abilities. Since the strategy is defense, using magic reflect is appropriate. For the 2nd position, I chose Dax Paragon, a magic attacker with the amplify ability. Dax Paragon's amplify strengthens the return damage of the magic reflect and return fire abilities. For the 3rd position, I chose Sola Ranjell, a magic attacker with tank heal, bloodlust, and cleanse abilities. The tank heal heals the 1st position, while the cleanse removes afflictions or poison affecting the 1st position. Her bloodlust provides additional stats when she eliminates an opponent in battle. Finally, for the last position, I selected Doctor Blight, a magic attacker with affliction, camouflage, and poison abilities. Affliction removes the opponent's heal from the 1st position, while poison deals additional damage if the 1st position is poisoned.





    My strategy for this battle is to focus on defense against magic and ranged attackers, so I used a monster with magic reflect in the 1st position for defense against magic attackers and return fire from the summoner for defense against ranged attackers. To ensure support in the 1st position and prevent immediate die, I placed a monster with tank heal and cleanse.



    In round 1, my use of magic reflect from Pelacor Conjurer was successful against the magic attacker. Due to Pelacor Conjurer's magic reflect, Jini Guise and Djinn Biljka were defeated. In this round, Pelacor Conjurer was also killed by the opponent's My Queen Mycelia.


    In round 2, Dax Paragon killed Queen Mycelia. And in Round 3, the battle ended because Acid Shooter could no longer attack in the 1st position.

    CONCLUSIONS - water 2.png

    • Overall, playing defensively was successful, with a significant factor being my use of Pelacor Conjurer for defense against magic attackers and placing a support unit for healing and cleansing in the 1st position.


    All the images in this article are credited to splinterlands.com
    The divider frame for my rebellion and Philippines flag divider is credited to kyo-gaming.
    The Divider dec is credited to flauwy
    You can find more dividers from kyo LINK and flauwy LINK

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