Health Is Wealth & Wealth's Health! Take Care of Both!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Hivers, We have heard this proverb a zillion times, “Health is Wealth”! This is indeed absolutely true! Nothing can deny this fact that health is really very important to stay fit and healthy.


    Healthy lifestyle is really very important to maintain good health and lead a good and healthy life.
    We all strive towards it..daily! Needless to say that large amount of our time is dedicated to our daily health upkeep, but are we eating healthy, nutrient rich and nourishing food! That totally depends on our eating habits. Usually we indulge wide variety of unhealthy foods that can have potentially harmful effect on our body! But…Is anyone listening! We keep on experimenting with our body, till there are some serious consequences. That is the time, to realize, our big mistakes, to correct!

    Sometimes, we get time to correct our mistakes and restart afresh! Sometimes, the right time has passed out and we are only left with its repercussions! To bear…lifelong!

    Therefore, it’s advisable to take proper care of your health…Because…Health is your REAL Wealth!


    To achieve that, follow these very basic, yet essential fundamental activities:

    Hope you know that…”Balanced Diet” is very important, therefore eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, proteins, whole grains, & essential healthy fats to provide vital nutrients to maintain overall health. You know this very well! Don’t You! Of course you do! It’s just that, sometimes…you are way too lenient with yourself! And indulge in excesses!

    Say, Yes! Yes! Yes!!!...”Regular Exercise” It's absolutely must!


    Be regular at Gym! If you have subscribed to one!


    Alternatively, if you don't go to a gym then, involve in mild/moderate/intense physical activity most days of the week, like walking, running, swimming, cycling, skipping, aerobics & strength training to improve “heart health”, “build muscle”, and maintain “flexibility”. No deviations allowed! Have a strong determination to follow it meticulously!

    Keep yourself “Well Hydrated” by drinking adequate amount of water throughout the day.

    Definitely & positively have a “Quality Sleep” and get yourself 7 to 9 hours of sleep, per night, to actually support your overall “physical & mental well-being”. We often have a tendency to simply mess with this sleeping schedule and tend to upset this pattern, every single day! Don’t do that!!!

    Manage your Stress levels by all means and practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation and yoga.
    From a certain age onwards have “Regular Checkups” to monitor your health.

    Must “AVOID / LIMIT” the intake of tobacco, alcohol, & recreational drugs to substantially reduce the “RISK” of various health problems & maintain overall “well-being”. This is indeed “CRITICAL”!!!

    Always…nurture meaningful relationships with family, friends, and near and dear ones to support “mental & emotional health”. Learn to love “YOURSELF” as well! It’s really essential!

    Just like HEALTH, You also need to take care of your WEALTH! Right, Isn’t it!

    Always remember that “Budgeting” is really crucial. You must establish a truly “clear understanding” of your “income & expenses”. Prioritize “Saving & Investing”, make an efficient budget to safeguard/ensure you are living within your means, purposefully and productively meeting all your basic needs and requirements.

    Most essentially, remember to build a safety net with an “Emergency Fund” to cover unforeseen expenditures, usually 2 to 4 months' worth of living expenses.

    Diversify your Investment Portfolio. Smartly range your investments across different asset classes. It will help protect your wealth from any possible/probable “market fluctuations & economic downturns”.
    Regularly “Save” a portion of your income, rather automate this process.

    Remember to manage your Debt payments in the most efficient manner.

    To get better returns, always invest “Long-Term”. Identify those funds, schemes that suit your long term vision effectively.

    Regularly, habitually educate yourself to make informed all financial decisions through reputable/reliable financial resources. Study about them in the detailed manner and through proper consulting with the investment experts.

    Frequently, periodically review your financial goals and situation to adjust/align with them, basis your changing needs and requirements. Prefer to have very clear “financial objectives” as best as possible!

    Thank you,

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    With lots of love




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