Visit Gelam Tip Beach in Karimun, Java

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi guys! Just two days ago, I visited Ujung Gelam Beach in Karimunjawa, Indonesia. By this time I was at the top of this incredible hill and started photographing the truly amazing views from here.

    Looking out over the blue ocean in the distance will calm your mind. The natural scenery with lush green trees below inspires many people and reminds them of the beauty and splendor of nature.

    This is the Hill of Love, a hill just below the sea, with a beautiful yellow flag "Karimun Jawa" written on top of the hill.

    On the graceful hill of love stood children with brave faces. Despite facing a deep valley on the edge of a hill, they looked very peaceful and were completely mesmerized by the beauty of the vast blue ocean looming in the distance. It was as if nature had taught them the true meaning of courage. It's not just about being brave in the face of fear, but recognizing the beauty hidden behind hardship.

    Explore the beauty of Ujung Gelam Beach in Karimunjawa near Bukit Love. This beach is a beautiful white sandy beach surrounded by beautiful trees that grow around the park. It's very inviting and has an atmosphere that makes you want to spend time there.

    The view during the day is a wonderful combination of calm blue sea, bright blue sky, and white clouds floating above. The shadows cast on the beach water further enhance the beauty of this panorama, while the majestic mountain views add to its unforgettable charm and charm.

    The sky was clear, soft white clouds floated on the water, and mountains towered in the distance. The view was made even more enchanting by the green trees adorning the beach. Therefore, when I stood on the Karimunjawa hill, I felt mesmerized by this breathtaking beauty.

    Beautiful red flowers greet you on the top of the hill, and a symbol of "I LOVE YOU" is engraved on top of a large stone, representing the warmth of your heart.

    Many white clouds were shining brightly, as if to announce the approach of rain. But to my surprise, it didn't rain. This landscape is enchanting and full of secrets, leaving you wondering about nature, which always holds unexpected surprises.

    Tip Gelam Beach in Karimunjawa is mesmerizing with white sand and blue sea water that is so beautiful. until the view of the mountain or hill seen from a distance gives a very interesting charm, making me fall more and more in love and want to come back to visit here, someday.

    I thank you for your presence and attention in following my trip in Tip Gelam Beach, Karimunjawa, Hopefully this visit will be a valuable experience for all of us.
    Thank you all

    Greetings: @tasaneekanokwan
    [//]:# (!pinmapple -5.83984 lat 110.41119 long d3scr)

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