Splinterlands Ranked Battle Overhaul: Bronze VS Daimond

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    On February 29, with the start of season 130, the new system was also implemented in rank battles. In the new rank battle system, the league limit was removed, so under this new system, even if your deck level is low, you could be matched against a max-level deck if you have similar ratings. Therefore, at the beginning of the season, it's possible that suddenly you're matched against someone with a gold or max-level deck while you're only using a bronze-level deck. This is due to the new battle system. Changes weren't limited to just rank battles at the start of season 130; there were many more changes as listed below:

    • There will no longer be leaderboards for any league except Champion
    • There will no longer be maximum level limits for cards nor will there be penalties for low level cards
    • Players will no longer be able to choose not to advance to a higher league (since leagues will just represent a rating range)
    • Matchmaking will no longer be limited by the league and will seek to match players with the opponent closest to them in rating
    • The SPS reward pool for ranked battles will no longer be divided by league, and will instead be one single reward pool for the Modern format and a separate, single reward pool for the Wild format.
      ** Splinterlands peakd: Splinterlands Ranked Battle Overhaul


    In this battle, I used the alternate account that I play for bronze sps farming. I just tried to see if it's still possible to farm SPS using a bronze-level deck, so I played with it. You'll notice in the battle that his deck level is higher compared to mine; his summoner is at level 7, while mine is at level 4 for the soulbound summoners card, but my units are using a bronze-level deck.

    I was just lucky in my battle; I won even though the cards I used were under-leveled compared to his. The lowest-level units in my opponent's deck were Pelacor Arbalest and Gargoya Devil, both at level 5. One thing I noticed that led to my victory in the battle was when Katrelba Gobson's bloodlust was triggered, giving him a speed advantage over my opponent. Uraeus missing his attack on Katrelba Gobson due to the speed boost from bloodlust was one of the factors that led me to victory.


    Another change in season 130 is the rating system. In the new rating system, it's now on a flat rate of +20/-20. This is better compared to the previous rating system where if you lose against someone with a lower rating, you lose -20, but if you win against someone with the same rating, you only gain +3, making it difficult to increase your rating when losing against someone with a lower rating. The only disadvantage I see with the flat rating is if you're on a losing streak or win-loss-win-lose status in your games.

    Win and Lost Rating



    The final changes are regarding the energy cost. Previously, the fee for energy cost was based on your league. The higher the league, the more expensive the per-energy cost. Now, the change made is ratings-based. Your energy cost will be based on your highest rating from last season.

    ** Splinterlands peakd: Splinterlands Ranked Battle Overhaul

    Another update on energy is that before, you could only purchase using DEC or DEC-B. Now, you can use credits and vouchers to purchase energy.

    For me, this is great, especially for players who have many vouchers due to staked SPS and SPS Validator Node License. Instead of using DEC/DEC-B for expenses, you can now use vouchers. This will increase the utility of vouchers now.


    All the images in this article are credited to splinterlands.com
    The divider frame for my rebellion and Philippines flag divider is credited to kyo-gaming.
    The Divider dec is credited to flauwy
    You can find more dividers from kyo LINK and flauwy LINK

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