in voilk •  3 months ago


    What's up Fellas? This is me again @kyyyys giving you another blog to read! So, In this blog, we’ll delve into the magic of mountains, share tales of epic climbs, and explore the soul-stirring experiences they offer in a mountain called Little Batanes which is Located in Caduawan, Tabogon, Cebu.

    Mountains are those ancient sentinels that pierce the sky, it always has a special place in my heart as an adventurer, dreamer, and wanderer. The grandeur or their mystery, and their ability to evoke awe are unparalleled.

    On Tuesday afternoon, Me, my sisters, and some of my cousins decided to go hiking on a Little Batanes a mountain located near our home. So, at exactly 4:30 pm we prepared the things that we needed to bring on our journey. I primarily bought water Bottle as it is the most important thing to bring during hiking. After preparing our things we set of right away. As you all noticed In my previous blogs I've always bonded with my sisters whenever we have time or when my older sister who currently had a job at the City visits us here in the province.



    When heading to Little Batanes, we must pass by Caduawan Elementary School (CES), a place brimming with memories from my elementary years and where I proudly graduated. We took the road beside the school in order to arrive at our destination.


    We also passed by a Cemetery which is called CADUAWAN PUBLIC CEMETERY. A place where most of my relatives who once made my life special were buried.



    We walked a few meters away but haven't arrived at our destination yet. My cousins were sweating heavily as they were not used to hiking. But for us, we enjoyed chit-chatting with my sisters and sharing jokes with each other, so we didn't feel tired while walking. The gentle breeze gave us a sense of freedom that refreshed our spirits with every step.



    At last! After walking for few minutes we arrived at the said destination. Beneath the small mountain is where the motorcycles of other tourist that visit the place were parked. There is also a store that sells various of foods and drinks so that the tourist can easily buy whenever they felt hungry and thirsty.




    We hurriedly climbed so that we can finally rest after hiking. The photo above was captured by my beloved cousins. Upon going up we saw these under constructed cabins and huts. By the way, this precious land was owned by @heyitsjian's grandparents. Everyone can visit without worrying about the fee as they don't ask for entrance fee or anything. But be sure to leave no trace to avoid a dirty surrounding.




    We arrived at the top and witnessed the setting of the sun. We snapped some photos of the sunset and set our camping chairs. We felt relaxed by the gentle breeze while watching the sunset as if we were not tired at all. The cleanliness of the place makes it a welcoming sanctuary, smelled the pleasant scent of the air.




    We stayed there until it gets dark. We shared stories together with my cousins and sisters, We laughed about the happy moments that we went through, We talked about life struggles and accomplishments until we decided to go home.


    We were very happy while going home and felt a little scared when we went back across the cemetery. Every turn was scary due to the lacking of street lights as well as nearby houses that can make the road bright. We just used our phones flashlight while walking and luckily We arrived at our home safe and sound.

    So that's all for today's blog hoped you liked it. Thanks for reading, wishing you a healthy and happy life. May your journeys filled with laughter and joy! God bless!💓

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