My New 2nd-hand Camera

in voilk •  3 months ago


    There are stories they don’t need to be told. There are words that can be understood without storytelling. More importantly, emotions should be read because not all people express it openly. So, yeah, I wanted to understand the people, and nature through photographs. I’ve been doing that with the help of my phone but sometimes I misunderstood it. The details were not detailed because of the limited quality it gives. That’s why, I’ve been dreaming of having my own camera.


    There are faces I wanted to project. Without telling me their sadness and happiness I wish to understand them. And, there are memories I wanted to store. With just a click and capture, the feelings they’ve been hiding to tell will be captured. I’ve been a storyteller for many years already and I could tell I couldn’t get all the stories with what my phone camera took. I dreamt big, a bigger dream to have my own camera. It’s a big one since acquiring it will be hard to afford. There are things I must prioritize and sadly this kind of dream has been delayed.


    I didn’t forget it of course, the time I must spend on other important things I think of her, a camera. I’ve been searching while wishing to get it with a smaller amount which will be affordable to me. Then a friend of mine or let’s say a brother in a different family fulfilled my wish. When I confronted him about a second-hand dslr camera. With excitement he replied, he said he had one. My joy overflowed because I found it hard to believe I would have one. I never thought I could have one atlast.


    With a cheaper amount I wasn’t hesitating to get it. Although, I don’t have that amount already and again something important came up; Which made my dream of having one would be again delayed. I told him my issues and problems about how I could not afford it now because there are things that must be paid first. I was a little bit sad while saying those. All I could do was disappointed and felt a little bit of pain.

    However, he didn’t let me drown in despair. He agreed when I said I would just be paying it little by little. Like a bird, I wanted to fly because of happiness. I never thought I’m holding it right now. The camera I’ve been longing to have. The camera I’ve been desperately wanting.


    So now, I don't know how to express my happiness. It will be awful to capture my face and tell my emotions through photographs. I just decided to use it right away and started my journey of capturing each story. I’m excited to show the world how my shots will help people understand the feeling and story behind.

    Thank you for reading

    All content is my own unless otherwise noted
    If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



    Paul was born in Macrohon, Southern Leyte but currently living in Cahayag, San Francisco Southern Leyte. He graduated the course of a BS Mar-E or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in 2019. Although writing is his passion so instead of sailing he decided on writing.

    He writes occasionally about random stuff he would see in the outside world. He loves to express what he feels through writing because he's not good at speaking personally.

    He also writes fictional stories and emotions because he thinks life matters. He is hoping that his words could reach someone who might be feeling down.

    Join me and support me through my adventures not just to the world but also to the human minds not to hate being alive.

    You can find me here:

    discord - mrnightmare89#2161


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