Patience & Persistence

in voilk •  last month

    Let's talk about the 2 P's of faith....

    We all have faith. In one way or another. Some of us, it's religious faith. Others put faith in their own abilities. Maybe it's the promises and hopes of something external. Regardless, we all have 'faith' in something or someone.

    Part of my background in being an entrepreneur was to have faith in myself.

    You are told, basically in every self help or personal growth book to constantly be focusing on your effort. That's the P we'll label 'persistence'. Keep showing up! Keep trying when everyone else gives up. And I still hold this true to this day.

    There is something to be said about consistent effort. However I don't believe it stops at just showing up. The mindset needs to come from 'showing up' but showing up over time.

    You see, this is the patience since of the equation or the 'other P' in our little example here.

    It's fine to show up everyday and put in the effort...But for how long?

    Now this post is about to take a 'religious' twist...

    We are told everywhere in the bible that patience is key. We're told to 'wait on the Lord'. And for those of us that do have a Christian faith, that's comfort. I like to think of my own examples when it comes to this, and I've spoken about it before....

    Story time with Jongo again :)

    My life basically turned upside down a few years ago. One fateful April morning, I got an email from PayPal that basically said, your account (that you've had for 17 years) is shut down. No recourse. No reason. Just poof, you are done.

    Because of that, a spiral of bad luck followed. From partners abandoning our businesses, to customers fed up with no being able to use PayPal, to even losing my home becuse my income went to zero....Bad luck after bad luck followed.

    You see, I went into survival mode using the only 'faith' I knew at that time....Persistence and patience...But it wasn't coming from a place of religious faith.

    It was faith in my own ability.

    And see, this is what for almost 7 years....I kept failing. I trusted in myself. I put no faith in my Lord and Savior.

    It wasn't until I backed off from my own 'efforts' and let God use me that things started to turn around. Literally overnight, I went from struggling to no stress....All because I put my patience and persistence into the faith of Jesus.

    It's really hard to explain how this is a partnership, if that makes sense. God requires our patience and persistence, but that also requires our effort. And as long as we are working for Him, good things seem to happen. Not my will God, but Your will....I think Jesus said that a few times ;)

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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