Hello, Hive Blog community! I hope you all are having an amazing day.
Today I want to share with you a recipe for a true delight: a vanilla flan dessert with caramelized peaches, called "Carlota de duraznos"

- Flan de Vainilla
- Azúcar Refinada
- Leche
- Duraznos frescos
- Galletas Maria
- Vanilla flan
- Refined sugar
- Milk
- Fresh peaches
- Maria cookies

Paso nro 1
Paso nro 1
We start by preparing the flan, pour the contents of the 90gr package into a cup and a half of milk until it completely dissolves. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the flan mixture begins to thicken and remove from heat. After it cools a little, we keep it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes while we prepare the syrup.

Paso nro 2
Paso nro 2
We remove the skin from the peaches and cut them into cubes, place them in a pan with 6 tablespoons of sugar and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely melted.

Paso nro 3
Paso nro 3
Once the flan is ready and the caramelized peaches have reached the desired texture, it is time to assemble the dessert.
In a container, place a first layer of cookies previously dipped in liquid milk, followed by a layer of flan, then we proceed to place a layer of caramelized peach syrup, we repeat this process until all the ingredients are used up, making sure the last layer is the rich caramelized peaches.
(Resultado final:)||(Bottom line:)
En resumen, este flan es un postre que siempre gusta y es perfecto para disfrutar en cualquier momento. ¡Espero que hayan disfrutado la receta y que la compartan con sus familiares! ¡Anímense a hacerlo!
The vanilla flan with caramelized peaches was very delicious. The creaminess of the flan mixes perfectly with the sweetness of the peaches, creating a combination that everyone loves. In short, this flan is a dessert that is always popular and is perfect to enjoy at any time. I hope you enjoyed the recipe and will share it with your family! Dare to do it!

The photos presented in this blog are my property. The images have been edited using Canva. The photographs were captured with my Samsung A15 cell phone. In addition, the content has been translated with the Firefox translator.