Enjoy the small things!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Purpose of life

    My own picture, shot at the top of the mountain on which I went skiing in the past week, just came back today. Skiing is for me the most purposeful kind of holidays

    Helly everyone of the Weekend Experiences community! I was looking around on Hive for some inspiration what to write about and I came across your community. I saw there is a prompt ongoing so decided to write about one of the given topics: The purpose of life.

    Before I dive into the topic, I would like to talk a bit about myself as it's the first time I write in this community. I joined Hive in December 2021 as I was looking for a new game to play. I stumbled upon the play2earn concept, tried out Splinterlands and discovered Hive. I have had periods with more and less activity on Hive. Since September '23, I am relatively consistent in my Hive activity. I hope I can stick to that habit! :D

    So far my small introduction, will probably write a bigger one in the coming days but wanted to focus now on the prompt.

    Purpose of my life

    If I look at myself, my purpose is to enjoy my life. This doesn't necessarily mean to always do fun activities. Rather enjoying life in all its facets. It could be waking up, opening the curtains and smiling because sun is shining. It could be taking a cup of coffee after breakfast and just enjoy sitting there while sipping from my coffee. It could be having a Holiday and just sitting at home playing some boardgames, etc.

    I can't stress enough that happiness lies in the small things. It is a cliché but I still think not everyone is able to enjoy these small things. There's one particular event I still remember where a stranger put a smile on my face. It was just a normal Saturday on which I was cycling to the centre of the village. On that day, an old man passed me from the opposite direction and wished me a good day. I was at first a bit confused. I kept thinking: Who was that person? I don't seem to know him. I concluded that I didn't know him at all. At first I thought it was strange that someone unknown wished me a good day. But as it had put a smile on my face, I decided to wish it to other people as well. Sometimes they are as confused as I was but mostly they smile and wish something similar back to me.

    Yes, the purpose of my life is enjoying life as much as I can. Not with grotesque activities but the small things passing our paths. So, I hope you're able to enjoy your life as well! If you would like to put a smile on peoples faces, just start to wish them a good day, even if you don't know the person!

    Thanks for reading!

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