Life would be much uglier and sadder if there were no music.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Life would be much uglier and sadder if there were no music.

    That's for sure!

    Among my almost ten commandments passions, music is somewhere high, high up, most of the time first. Ever since I was a small child I listened to music. Music is the most handy way to get away from reality. Music has been present almost permanently in all the places where I have lived. My son listened to music even before he was born...

    If now the easiest way to soothe a child is the smartphone, 40 years ago, music did the same for my boy.

    Yoga For Everyone.jpg

    I like music but I don't know how to make music. I have no musical ear. In my head music works by itself, I know how to reproduce it exactly, but the moment I want to translate what is in my brain into... voice, it's a disaster. I think a donkey would sing better. That's a pain of mine. It's a good thing I learned that in early childhood and didn't insist on going into music study.

    A memory from school. The music teacher was also the class teacher. The music teacher loved the choir and his ambition was for his class to form the best choir in the school.

    We, the students, sang all the time and the teacher was unhappy, the sound of our music did not please him at all. The students were spread over several rows, and the teacher walked between the rows when we sang. At one point I heard the teacher's loud voice from behind me... You, out! I mean me.

    At that moment, two things happened simultaneously. The choir sounded much better, and I knew I had no chance in music. I'd never even tried to play an instrument!

    I'm left with just the music in my ears and head. The music goes nonstop in the head when the brain should be resting. I mean, when I go to bed... It's made me have a lot of trouble sleeping. I went to the doctor, to a somnologist. They put all kinds of machines and sensors on me, I slept like this and then they read the results. Not very good. I got all kinds of advice and recommendations. To go to bed early, and not to eat or drink before bed. Not to watch TV and smartphone... hard to follow and respect.

    At the end of the consultation, I told the doctor that I hear music in my head all the time as if my brain was a radio...

    The doctor replied that he heard the same thing!

    I should have told him that from the beginning and we wouldn't have had all those tests and paid a lot of money.

    I love listening to music!

    I saw a new community with a strange name.

    Q Inspired-by-Music

    "Q Inspired-by-Music is a small writing corner for Music Inspired contributions, where we express our thoughts, memories, experiences, inspirations, knowledge, or even dreams about or around music topics." source

    This is it. I hope it works. In the many years I've spent at Hive and its predecessor I've found a small interest in blogs with and about music. I've always wondered why that happens. I figured it was mainly for lack of time. I don't want to think of a lack of interest in music.

    However, this conclusion remains. There are few posts about music and few readers, if we take the statement that everyone loves music to be true.

    I'm glad I joined this community and have to thank @mipiano (oh, what an inspiring name!) a second time ... if I had the name...@bluedanube, I would have some connection to music.

    I'm glad I have my song, though:

    Frank Sinatra - Blue Moon


    "thoughts, memories, experiences, inspirations, knowledge, or even dreams about or around music topics" source

    There is so much to say about music. Everyone has the music that inspires them, that relaxes them, that challenges them, that moves them, that reminds them of so many things. Music to be shared, thoughts to be shared, knowledge to be given. I hope I get a little of each.

    Everyone is on his own time. I am a man of the last century. The music that matters most to me is music that reminds me of the early part of life. Being music forgotten by some and still unheard by others, I will try to bring here evidence of its beauty. I refer to pop-rock and folk music.

    The music that I love and that has accompanied me throughout my life, up to this point, started with The Beatles!

    As it happens, my awakening in life, that is when I started to realize what was happening around me, happened in the early 60s, when the fall of conservatism was happening in the UK. Pop Art and Op Art, Pop Music (the conquest of the US music charts by the Beatles), and a new generation of fashion designers, models, and photographers made the UK the center of music, fashion, and non-conformity.

    "Hair lengthened, skirts shortened"
    ... and an old world has been overtaken and conquered by the new world...

    The Beatles made a huge contribution to this change!

    I am a fan and an admirer of The Beatles.

    A few days ago I found this book in a bookstore:

    Revolution in the Head, by Ian MacDonald


    Of course, it got to me instantly. I decided to read books again. I was an avid reader... in the last century. Now the internet has stolen the pleasure of holding a book.

    A book about the Beatles and their discography I can't miss.

    The irony is that I haven't read a book in a long time and now I want to start reading again, with a book written in English! I'm not exactly comfortable with English, I don't know enough words to read cursive, so it's going to be quite difficult even with a dictionary in hand. I hope I succeed and I hope to tell you a bit about this book in future posts. Things I didn't know and you may not know either. That is if it interests anyone.


    I belong to that category of people who say they couldn't live without music. I think so. On the other hand, I wouldn't say I like these radical and definitive statements, and I wouldn't say I like dogma. I prefer relativity. I can't prove that I can't live without music, only I think I can't live without music. Life has shown me and taught me that we can do many things we think we can't.
    That's why I reformulate:

    Life would be much uglier and sadder if there were no music.


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